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04/04/14 9:40 AM

#108155 RE: bab1 #108132

So he is going to sell shares, pay taxes on the proceeds and loan the money back to the company?

That would be ludacris.IMO

Explain to me the financial beneft of that approach.

Most of you sound rediculous on this topic. But whatever.

Bottom line I hope the PPS rises, I just referred a friend to this stock. But this news is a warning flag to me.


04/05/14 2:23 AM

#108984 RE: bab1 #108132

Exactly! It does not mean that he will, but he has that option if needed.

For example. I own a business and I have sold several personal assets to fund the business. I could have easily taken out a loan from a bank, or taken on many other forms of debt to acquire those funds, but I chose to sell something of mine and use those proceeds for filing fees, attorney costs, Patent research, etc... As the owner of the business it is my responsibility to fund the business operations and growth, if there are not sufficient revenues to cover said operations and growth, and choose which way is best for myself and the company. If, in the future, my company is publicly traded and I have the opportunity to grow the company, but that growth would cost X amount of dollars that was not readily available and I had the option to sell a limited amount of my personal shares, rather than take on debt, to acquire the amount needed, I would take that route, as long as selling those shares would not put my majority ownership in the company at risk.

I plan to continue holding long with you and many others. MyECheck has a very bright future ahead (:

(: Go MYEC!
