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05/13/14 2:37 PM

#35 RE: highstakes #33

CAMP Chart: No this is not Campaign Against Marijuana Production, but instead -

The hidden winner behind the “Internet of Everything”

We have been discussing the Internet of Everything for many months........looks like this could be a major winner.........Motley Fool is calling it their -

The Motley Fool's Top Stock for 2014

I’m talking, of course, about the “Internet of Everything.” And it will be huge.

A whopping 50 billion devices will be wirelessly interconnected and communicating with each other by the end of 2020, according to Cisco Systems. Up from just 10 billion today.

As if that’s not impressive enough, consider this: “The value at stake of the Internet of Everything is $14.4 trillion ,” according to Rob Lloyd, Cisco’s president of development and sales.

To put that number in perspective, that’s just a few billion shy of the entire market cap of the S&P 500 !

Remember Players we were having this discussion many months ago.........We knew we were on to something we have major confirmation.........Top Stock for 2014........checkout their past Top Stock of the Year winners.........impressive..............& like we said, this will be BIGGER THAN ANYTHING WE'VE SEEN BEFORE......THINK THE INTERNET BOOM OF THE 90'S ON STEROIDS!!!!........

But Cisco (& Ospreyeye lol) isn’t (aren't) the only one touting the historical potential of this trend:

The Wall Street Journal writes, “In a world of ‘Next Big Things,’ [this] is a very, very, very Big Thing indeed.”

The Economist predicts, “It could overwhelm society.”

And Harvard Business Review argues, “We are witnessing something like the epic collision of two galaxies.”

Read more here & checkout the chart below........looks like a ton of upside potential...........$$$