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04/04/14 8:25 AM

#17660 RE: monda2frida #17658



04/04/14 8:50 AM

#17661 RE: monda2frida #17658

I have every expectation that they are in the process of a huge transition right now, It's not a matter of selling more product, It is matter of recruiting the people and needed and financing the physical plant expansion to do the work they have on the books and upstream.

I hardly expect people are taking lunches away from their desks right now.

As far as the technology that AFTC is bringing to the table. There are no other SBIR's for this, there is no other company making a similar product, and no one else is in negotiations with the Army to get this commercialization phase going. It's a "one of".

It is not the time to be doing sales trips.

As far as Kathy's personal trips and educational goals go it is nothing i care to investigtate. My hope is that she is making plans for a life after AFTC, for herself (made weathly by here share holdings in AFTC). I believe she taught special needs kids, or has a special needs degree. She has long since deactivated her linkedin account that mentioned AFTC. I for one, recognize the support, hard work, and expertise she brought to AFTC during her time with Jim at the helm. I doubt we would be where we are without her or that is her dream to run an engineering firm.

My consulting work (Milwaukee, California, and North Carolina) for several years was specific to taking companies that were once small entrepreneurial start-ups, but had become so successful that they needed someone to build a personnel infrastructure including creating new departments, hiring new staff, promoting appropriate existing personnel, and a basic human resources framework that followed legal procedural mandates and assured all were treated fairly, and legally, during the very stessful transition...and a personnel department with appropriate professional was installed. Major slip ups during the transition can cause unneeded expense and gotta play by the rules when you bring in outside personnel who are not part of the original company "family"..and that is not always easy.

There was one company that for a three month period I could not even allow vacations while new people were being oriented.

Talk about the "valley of death" Half the work was crunching numpers and projections for bank loans for new furniture and salaries and a few sign on bonuses. One owner used his own money for a lot of what was needed.

Everyone in the industry knew Jim.. knew what he was doing And knows what they invented. They are not going to bring anyone into the bubble by going to a macro-global-scientific or other conference .. anyone who needs it, knows about it. It's not a trade show

Sure he went to many events, spoke to leaders in Washington and around the world. He was A DME mega-star. He didnt pay for it and I would guess, if the IDA did not pay his frieght as a member of the IDA North American Affairs Commettee.. he would not have gone... He was part of building a glaboal consiousness about DME to isntall DME as a known fuel that would be accepted and to build the demand. The money shot was pumping DME/JP-8.

It takes very little research to see the people who are looking at AFTC right now... china experts, automotive engineers, even people who would do webpage and graphic attorney with supply chain management experience.

Is Bosh at these conferences talking about the parts they sell? Is the tank manufacturer that Oberon uses there trying to sell their tanks? Is the part maufacuturer that makes the oil additive pump for the current Volvo DME Engines there trying to fend-off this upstart AFTC who is trying to take over the pumping DME world? Ive been to these.. One at the very same San Diego Hotel..but different industries.. Most of the people were out golfing or at the bar. Not that it was not productive.. they wanted to meet their peers and discuss business in their little "executive" bubble... and very little will be the hardware associated with the use of DME.

Business first. Take care of your own house and assure your success going forward over the next communicate with us (thanks)... complete the work the Nation Science Foundation gave you... no time for glad handing and DME events all over the globe.