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Alias Born 12/26/2006

Re: along4zride post# 36845

Thursday, 04/03/2014 1:34:36 PM

Thursday, April 03, 2014 1:34:36 PM

Post# of 46467
Sign my petition(FMCC) Signatures needed

Dear Congress,

I _____ALONG4ZRIDE/368450304_____________ would like Congress
(NAME) (Citizen number)
To unwind, dismantle and abolish (FNMA) Fannie Mae and (FMCC) Freddie Mac as soon as humanly possible and forever relive the citizens of these United States the financial burden of supporting these two chaotic companies who guaranteed loans from illegal aliens, people with stated income and just about anyone who could fill out the loan application .The people of the United States demand justice be served and an example be made of these financial behemoths by removing them from existence.
Please do not worry about a bipartisan bill that’s not thorough enough and will delay the process of termination, just skip the full debate then there will be no debate and send it to Congress. Please quit dragging your feet and liquidate the companies now.
Make sure that proceeds from the liquidation should go to the U.S. government. The senior preferred shareholder in each of the companies, holders of junior preferred shares, followed by holders of the common shares shall get nothing.


Tax Payers of the United States


borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow
and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does
happen, you