Congrats Lenders...Um YOU have just been put on 30 day notice !!! HUGE!!!
'Who wants to be our partner, and who would like us to terminate the relationship permanently?' The Company hopes to have the financial partners sorted out by the end of April, so we may continue the next steps on a larger and healthier playing field. As always, we will keep you informed of developments and opportunities at the soonest opportunity."
Lenders is the next Step..BUT There are ALREADY BIGGER pieces in place..but what??..
V. Scott Vanis, the Chairman of the Company, said, "This calendar year has been amazing, and we have been relatively quiet as we put some of the bigger pieces in place. The next piece is to sort lending partners from unfriendly Note holders.
how many Penny companys EVER get to post something like
Minerco will finally have decisive control of our financings and is in a premier position to choose our Lenders (rather than Lenders choosing Minerco).
Feels like we have someone in place maybe ready to buy any debts outstanding that would no longer like to work with us..takes some fairly deep pockets for that..Who's on our team?
"I Don't Chase Paper...I Make It Boomerang..."