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Re: Dip66 post# 487

Saturday, 03/29/2014 3:14:29 PM

Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:14:29 PM

Post# of 1161
Im Shure Fingrr knowez jumpt tha shark last oktobrr,,
on tha bus sine deal:


- "late 2013" SBSA-NMGC JV deal kancelld

- and other affilates dealz kancelld

- mm.kom alexxxxa 2.4m and drapping like a rok

With Fingers $200k chipstak knowne 2 be flusht downe tha drain on,, Rite Now iz tha beste tyme to be IN... NMGC,,
cuz tha shell gaemez rr about to begin..

Lookit Tha fundamEnTalz have not changed- NMGC still tha One and Only Pink Sheit tikkr with tha follw-ing 2 provin winn-ing feashurez:

- Big bored Munny behind: 90%% owenur millinayre Sellfingrr with billinayre knnektshunz(Turd ave, blakrok and Renaissance hedgiez areddy dokumented)

- loflote pink sheet shell NMGC with 10m flote still in lokkt down mode (with 2m moar fruntloded since last oktobrr dropp-ing tha flote to 8m)

Plus 2 added "kicker" featshurez xxxxklusive to NMGC:

- With fingurs JCP/COSI/SNE dedkats drapping like roks,, NMGC playe hiz only multi-bagg opshun

- Rent cumming due evry month plus hedkount of estimated 6 "helpers" to rite paycheks to

As of last year, NMGC best komp wudd prolly be 6m flote RCHN,, since tha fingrr wuz obviously runnig tha Faild kaper on Hiz Own
at NMGC withoute Hiz billinayre buddiez on bored ,,

Butt now, with NMGC basically az a shell again,, tha best Komp wudd prolly be 2m flote pink sheit shell with a 'golf centrr' sidejob AASP frum .1-$5 last year

a kaper runn by millinayres Boretta boyz with they billinayre buddiez

Remembrr Boretas billinayre fren Robert F.X. Sillerman wuz in on the akshun on they last 500 bag payout at tha pink sheet shell SPEA kaper in 2004

So tha bottum lien iz,, shure Tha Fingrr blew a 100 bagg cudda wudda shudda onna ezmunny mj kaper

wile tha pinky mj kaperz wuz hott hear in March- that he cudda wudda shudda run himself..

But a lo-flote pink sheet shell + 90%% owenur millinayre with billinayre knnektshunz =

duzint kneed hott ihub munny to maek a 500 bagg payout,, az shown in last yearz AASP kaper..

Plus if the fingrrz nu AASP style kaper iznt reddy to go for a few weaks,,

Fingurr cudd still run a "betr laet than nevrr" ezmunny MJ kaprr hear at NMGC in April to winn hiz $200k baKK plus prolly 10-15$ millin moar payout within a weak ... withe a mercadomota,com kaper to 1$ maek me holla,, and THEN Run tha a nu AASP=style kaper with hiz billinayre buddiez Ovrr tha top
of the mota kaper to $5 maek me holla five tymez...

on tha

tikka tikaaa tikaaaaaaaaa