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Re: None

Thursday, 03/27/2014 2:33:08 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:33:08 PM

Post# of 137

The native agreement heralds the push is "ON" for the ring. Noront does not need the rail immediately as they have an east west road as thier start up plan in thier E.A. Therefore i think noront shares are to move up first. We must remember that the provincial government has hired deloitt to do a recomendation study to advise the provincial government on the total picture for the ring which i expect will show a form of the east - west road for starters and then advise about the north- south rail later for ore transportation. We may still see cheap shares for kwg untill that study from deloitt is released. No government is going to commit billions for infrastructure until the release of the deloitt study. Then watch out, as the kwg shares as well as the rest of the ring companies will escalate upward fast. Usually a government study takes 6 months to a year but with the looming budget that Gravell says includes infrastructure money i think the deloitt study is only weeks away. With a posibility of an election this only underscores why the provincial government will want this study quickly to use the ring as a voting platform. This study will show the overall need for a rail line to service all the ring companies. As kwg not only owns the new gas patent to reduce processing kwg also owns the only viable rail corridor. This means that both the crown corporation and the port authority will be negotiating with kwg in the near future to include kwg rail into the transportation plans for the ring. I belive this is going to happen as kwg showed the advantage of transporting ore over rail to road by about 10 to 1 on costs. Thank Frank for this as he had the study allready completed proving this and the provincial government handed this study to deloitt. Negotiating advantages to kwg should include the possibility of shipping a large percentage of unprocessed ore overseas at a money advantage to kwg not having to process and thereby pilling up substantial cash. Another negotiating possibility is a royalty to kwg per tonnage of every company transporting ore over the rail saving them the 10 to 1 cost advantage. Right after the deloitt study is made public i believe kwg's time will have come. Frank will have assay reports back from blackhorse and possibly gas patent saving results back from the labs at about the same time everything gets made public only increasing the net worth of the kwg share price. This may then be the time after money commitments from the governments that the big internantionals will get interested in kwg as the infrastructure costs will be accounted for by the governments and not be expected of the internationals who may be intersted of buying kwg. You want to average down now, or increase your holdings now, before the deloitt study comes out as i believe this study will herald in kwg into the spotlight. Thank Frank for many other things as he has secured the rail heads and ports that will also prove very valuable to the kwg share price. I know many of us have been here a long time (myself since 2008) and we are about to be compensated for our patience. Good luck to all longs. (and short time holders) !!!