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Alias Born 04/10/2008

Re: 56Chevy post# 25

Tuesday, 03/18/2014 2:53:49 PM

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 2:53:49 PM

Post# of 55
Community Bank Of So (CBKS)
$6.50 up 0.8 (14.04%)
Volume: 100

5 short months ago last October Mr. Market was selling this for $3.50

Retained Earnings for 2013 were: $1.725MM

To show how much of a turn-around this is the retained earnings for 2012 was a loss of ($4.503MM).

Equity now sits at $42.2MM

O/S is 4,976,521

BV remains at $8.48

Other banks in the state are selling at 1.5X BV

CBKS is on its way to $12

*If this bank had a blonde wig on I'd be in love ;)

If liabilities are greater than assets, the business is insolvent. Knowing the structure of those liabilities is where to make your money. EI-2010

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