It is not great news for anyone. IMO
Oil in Belize is proving harder to find than expected and Spanish lookout oilfield is declining much harder than expected.
The Belize "Coalition to Save Our Natural Heritage", which includes all the leading environmental NGOs,is:
"An organization dedicated to the planned development of Belize's petroleum industry, outside of economically and environmentally sensitive areas of Belize (offshore and protected areas)."
It's mission is:
"To serve as a channel for the voice of the people through advocacy, education, research and actions, which promote the best interest of Belize and its people"
I have heard that Spanish lookout is producing from a Sandstone rather the Limestone that we all thought it was producing from - and that accounts for its very steep oil production decline. But that is subject to confirmation.
Belize Oilwatch
Belize City, Belize CA