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Alias Born 10/13/2013

Re: billytbone post# 56498

Saturday, 03/08/2014 3:39:12 PM

Saturday, March 08, 2014 3:39:12 PM

Post# of 130581
If you invest in HPNN you will lose your money because Peter Michaels is lying again!

The FELON needs to re-file with the Nevada SOS to take the R/S amendment down. If he doesn't, investors will be screwed again! It's just a matter of time.

Once a liar always a liar!!

Michaels can hold all the conference calls he wants, it won't make a difference. No one really believes him. As a matter of fact I'm predicting another down day after the next call.

Michaels does a great job of driving the stock price down every time he opens his mouth.