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Alias Born 02/09/2012

Re: Magik007 post# 9181

Thursday, 03/06/2014 9:26:13 PM

Thursday, March 06, 2014 9:26:13 PM

Post# of 111925
Magik, the thought has crossed my mind at least three five times today in meetings. Miss the SPLI discussion and close friends in this room. You don't get that often. Straight up folks willing to share honest feedback and ideas. Hopefully we'll have more opportunities as the year moves forward. I'm long in ARIA right now building up my position and a few others. Moved out of the HEMP roller coaster along with LQMT. Held PAL as well based on the Russian instability and the reality that half the world's palladium comes from Russia. All the aforementioned is just my humble opinion and should not be taken as advcie to anyone to consider my words here. SS1