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Alias Born 06/26/2003

Re: None

Monday, 02/10/2014 1:07:56 PM

Monday, February 10, 2014 1:07:56 PM

Post# of 364257
PR has been picked up by other posting media. Buys we now see may be coming from some newbies or late bloomers. IMO gap will fill but may take a few days. These buys look more like fast money type now. JMO

BTW I did get more in the mid 4's and my last buy was a partial fill at .055. I also exercised options at the .075.
So I am long (many years long a few below .04 yet) and strong a
true believer. Just looking at what I now see as reality. We will
be active wwith a new partner Hope we get the black gold in 2016
if not sooner. But 2016 is a was off forsome may bee to long to hold the full portfolio. There will be buying ops from now until
we drill JMO