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Re: Honeycomb777 post# 2663

Wednesday, 02/05/2014 9:01:01 PM

Wednesday, February 05, 2014 9:01:01 PM

Post# of 140523
Call HC777 crazy (and maybe me as well) but I have wondered for some time now if Titan isn't in contact with a buyer already. That would explain lack of PR's, larger than normal financing, etc.

There has been much discussion on this board about whether Titan will be bought out or become the next ISRG. I think without question the exit stratergy has always been a buyout. This is a small development stage company - a great one, albeit. In contrast, ISRG was a 'big' company from the get-go - for example they had venture cap money from Morgan Stanley & Sierra Ventures. They debuted on the NASDAQ at about $10/share in the year 2000. They were never a penny stock.

All that said, who cares! If we get a buyer willing to pay $30/share then its been a heck of a ride. Anything north of $30 would be incredible, but I am not sure I see that happening. Just IMO