I am not the one who is in contempt. You are the one with contempt. Contempt of Japanese law and the experts in it, which you are definitely not one. You are contempt of a law university, which disagrees with you. Contempt of other jurisdictions, their laws and their courts.
Perhaps you should not step into a Japanese courtroom and defend Intel in this. You may have to save face with them. The ancient punishment was commiting suicide in order to save face of your employer. That's a good punishment for lawyers with contempt.
PS: Given your views, it would be ok for the only grocery store in 100 miles advertising a "buy one, get one free" deal to see "The Duke of URL" coming and force you to buy 50 of them to get 50 more free while letting Doug get just one for his free one. The fact that you only needed 55 doesn't matter. And, of course, you had to sign an agreement to not resell any of them. That according to you is not an abuse of monopoly power. Fun world you live in.