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Re: blasher post# 7698

Friday, 01/31/2014 12:25:29 PM

Friday, January 31, 2014 12:25:29 PM

Post# of 7711
WoWser! . . . CKEC is Strong Up today even when the Market was a Strong Down.
This is a lesson on Trading with good Seasonal Stocks like CKEC.
Like I pointed out, CKEC's Stock Seasonality is a Strong Up through the February and March time-frame every year.
Buying in a Dip before the seasonal period usually brings good results.
I am looking for a further increase in CKEC based on its strength today.
Do your own DD of course.

Blasher . . .
follow me at #board-2546 . . .
and follow my Public Stock Pick Charts


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