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Alias Born 01/21/2006

Re: sanbrunobaby post# 1352

Friday, 01/17/2014 1:49:08 PM

Friday, January 17, 2014 1:49:08 PM

Post# of 1367
A lot of the penny miners such as SHSH remain in slumber land. It will take a lot higher silver and gold prices for them to wake up. You'll notice that some of the bigger miners--those actually producing---are moving up now, and that's a good sign....but few will buy the small, speculative Silver Valley miners and others until they start to gain some momentum. Nobody wants to buy them now due to non existent volume and huge spreads. They're easy to get into and look cheap, but they'd be hard to get out of if gold and silver get slammed again.

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. — Edward R. Murrow

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