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Alias Born 01/14/2010

Re: StockKingArthur post# 176941

Sunday, 01/05/2014 3:20:54 AM

Sunday, January 05, 2014 3:20:54 AM

Post# of 232507
With regard to your ''IMHO'' SKA, here is my take on the unjustified & therefore, illegal suspension of KMAG: YES: THE sec WAS, IN FACT, flooded with complaint,s not only from the minny poo CEO, PROBABLY, but from a host of their members & followers, also, who were quite willing to do minny poo's bidding. So, you KNOW that the SEC looked into it, for THEY HAD TO! And after having done so, at the least in a cursory way, ''they'' went on ahead, without any real or substantial or verifiable proof, to mandate the suspension, even before having first gotten ahold of Jeff Reid, for he was not made aware of the pending suspension until AFTER it had happened, just as none of us were aware that such a challenge was about to befall us! But it did! And quite to the sudden surprise & dismay, at first, to all of us! And so, IMO, ''somebody'' got paid off handsomely, if not only by mmg, perhaps also by Night Capital , who may have''sweetened the pot'', ie: ''bribe money'', so as to entice that particular SEC official or officials, whatever the case might be, so as to go on ahead & issue
the two week suspension. The which to do, normally does the job for the huge shorting interests & mmg's personal grudge against Jeff Reid. But I personally believe that it was the huge shorting interests, both legal & naked, more than it was mmg, who actually were able to bribe who ever the SEC official or officials were, that issued the suspension. No trial. No jury. Just a one-sided kangaroo court, saying that ''you're guilty & judged & sentenced, but not by ANY PROOF OR PROVABLE CLAIMS OR CHARGES THAT WOULD STICK OR THAT COULD STICK, IF THEY HAD BEEN PUBLICLY PROFFERED, AS THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN, BUT THEY NEVER WERE!

But to the lament & dismay of the SEC, they didn't know how wealthy Jeff Reid was/is in his own right, and how much money his business was actually making, nor did they realize that he was going to hire a group of good & experienced lawyers, with a high success rate in legal cases of this nature, so as to be able to fight back! And he did! And he has! and that is just one of the main reasons why he & we are going to win, AND THAT VERIFIABLY SO, if you have the right kind of DD & FUNDAMENTALS sources, who are close to ''the heart of the actual business!'' And the other main reason why Jeff Reid is going to {FINALLY} WIN, is because he is & has been a basically good & honest & decent family man, as well as a CEO, of high moral integrity! For just as he has publicly proclaimed about himself & his company: ''I have NEVER published or PR'ed anything in any of my financial & other reports, that is not verifiable & factual & true & honest!!'' And so, that is why the SEC reinstated him, at least back down into the greys, where the SEC & all of the huge shorting interests, along with mmg, were all hoping, would be what would finish him off! For that is exactly why they do it, but only after ''they'' have milked them for all of the money that they can get, on the way up, and then all the way back down into a no bid & a BK. And a BK is where all of the collusive shorting & other interests want to drive them, because once the BK finally comes, then the huge shorting interests don't have to do didly-squat with regards to reporting about how many naked & legally shorted shares they had shorted! BINGO! For that's their ''HOME RUN''! For when ''they'' get their HOME RUN, ''they'' don't have to open up their books or anything any more, EVER, with regard to this or that company ! POOF! AS IT WERE! Just millions & millions & millions of shorted & naked shorted shares, JUST GONE! POOF! NOT KNOWN ABOUT,except by the people, like Knight Capital, and many of the crooked hedge funds & brokers, and others of that ilk who do it, if not from Canada, then from the Caymen Islands & other such places, because AMERICA cannot prosecute if the shorting is being done outside of the legal bounderies & parameters of AMERICA! That is one of the main reasons why there are so many huge shorting interests that operate out of Canada! The which is a known & indisputable fact!

And one last thing: The SEC NEVER would have reinstated Jeff Reid, if they in fact they WOULD HAVE FOUND OR HAD ''SOMETHING REALLY SUBSTANTIAL'', ''ANYTHING'', ANY KIND OF ''IMPROPRIETY'' THAT WOULD HAVE STUCK, AND BEEN OF A SUFFICIENTLY STRONG ENOUGH NATURE SO AS TO HAVE DONE SO, ie: delist him, but they couldn't do that, either, for ''THEY HAD NO SUCH IMPROPRIETY'' WORTHY ENOUGH for the doing of that. But you can just bet your boots that they looked far & wide TRYING TO FIND just such an impropriety, but they could no do so! So, they did the next best thing that they could do, and all that they could do, on the basis of the evidence that they though that they had, the which was to just go on ahead to suspend him for the 2 the weeks, and then to just leave him down there, cast into the greys until his company died, rather than to have reinstated him back up to the OTC.PK, LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE, AND COULD HAVE DONE, BUT LIKE THEY WOULD NOT DO, and LIKE THEY REFUSED TO DO, for their own CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT TYPE OF FEARS & WORRIES, & whatever other private reasons, because of what they had so unjustifiably done For to do what they did, that usually does the nefarious job for all of whoever it was who was wanting Jeff Reid & KMAG, and all of us, his share holders to fail & lose all of our hard earned money! THAT IS JUST HOW LOW & CROOKED & EVIL ''THEY'' ALL WERE & ARE, whoever it might be, who wants this company & Jeff Reid & all of us ''common'' & preferred share holders to fail! That collusive way or method of ''theirs'', of casting a company down into the greys almost always works for them, very few microcaps being able to win the battle, so as to be reinstated, it just takes ''them'' so much longer to do it that way!, ie: for the companies to just die & then go away, that way. For they are almost all of them, not making any kind of good revenue, and so, are very dependent on the marketing of their A/S, in whatever best way that they can, so as to get the money/cash flow, that they need so as to get their microcap going! But the various companies can't do that anymore, once they been suspended down into the greys, because almost everybody just wants to dump their shares, just as soon as the suspension is lifted, so as to try and salvage as much of their investment as they can, before it goes completely all the way down into the triple zeroes, and into a no bid. And especially so, before the pps goes all the way down into a no bid or a BK! But none of that happened to JR & KMAG, for the 2 main reasons, such as I mentioned above! And because he had so many investors who not only held on to their shares, but who were willing to even buy more, thus increasing their holdings, BECAUSE THEY HAD DONE THEIR HOMEWORK! ie: THEIR VERIFIABLE DD & FUNDAMENTALS, however best obtained!

And so, after having fussed around with the SEC for some 6 months or so, trying to be reinstated back up the the OTC.PK, circa late APRIL/ early MAY of 2013, that's when JR FINALLY REALIZED that the SEC wasn't going to do
didly-squat for him, as far as giving him his ''NO ACTION LETTER'' & THE 211 that He & his lawyers were going for,as also to be reinstated back up to the OTC.PK. But ''they'' were not about to do that for him, because it would have constituted an admission of guilt & wrong doing on their part, the which to do would have opened them up wide to class action lawsuits! And they well knew it, and wanted NOTHING to do with that, now, because of realizing what a fighter Jeff Reid is & was, and they didn't want to open up that can of worms! So, ''they'' just basically told him that if he could manage to do it any other way, then to just go for it ''that way'', whatever that way might end up being, but don't look for to be reinstated back up to the OTC.PK, or to get the NO ACTION LETTER & THE 211, for we are not going to do that for you, ever!''

Which is about the time when he & his lawyers realized that he was going to have to do it this other way, ie: the way of a nice new clean & sweet-smelling shell {just like my little Pansy} with the right existing share structure structure, and to our sweet joy & surprize, one that had an OTC.QB
former ticker in the deal! Cost him a pretty penny, but after he found just the one, and did that, is when he & his lawyers began doing in earnest all that they had to do, in order to get us all back to normal trading again, with our new MM & TA, & name & ticker symbol, etc. Lots of paper work, and has cost JR lots of money, AND ALL OF THESE KIND OF LEGAL MATTERS, JUST TAKE A LONG TIME to accomplish, generally speaking. Not always, but usually. So, the word now is to just have faith in your good DD & FUNDAMENTALS, and to some extent, in the TA & CHARTING PATTERNS, for that, too, just as Museman has pointed out, is a reflection of how some 1100+ investors in KMAG, FEEL ABOUT ''OUR GREAT MICROCAP & CEO! For it IS GOING TO HAPPEN, AND SOON! So, just be patient, continue to have faith & hope, for the day is not far away when we shall be trading normally again! Sorry about the long post. Just almost two years of being involved in this company & it's CEO, and many truly fine & wonderful people that I have come to know & enjoy along the way, friends, even! All who are tremendously excited about ''THE REAL DEAL'', as lowman began calling it a year & a 1/2 ago in the summer of 2012, that we all have & are a part of here in this play! GBU ALL, IS MY MOST SINCERE HOPE & PRAYER FOR ALL OF US WHO ARE ACTUALLY INVESTED IN KMAG, WHETHER IN A LARGE WAY, OR WHETHER IN A SMALL WAY! Sincerely, Jaime smile