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Re: vulken17 post# 10607

Friday, 01/03/2014 9:26:19 AM

Friday, January 03, 2014 9:26:19 AM

Post# of 42190
Those are all very good questions...

How about...How do you plan to raise money without diluting the current share structure? (thats a trick question he he he)

How much money, how many millions of dollars will it take to actually develop your product? I understand you have these wonderful patents, but is there an actual time line to put this technology into a product that can be sold?

If your comapny generates ZERO revenues, how do you plan to pay yourself, your employees, the engineers to develop this wonderful industry changing technology, the rent, the electricity, the property taxes on the facility to delevop and produce this product for the next 1-5 years?

How can you aquire comapnies that make money and are legitimate businesses, when you cant generate a penny of revenue yourself? I understand you pay them in company stock (that is practically worthless), but you have SOOO much to pay for with company stock (see above) how the hell does a legitimate business owner say, OK, Ill take payment for my business and give it over to you, for oh I dont know say 500 MIllion shares of this company that as of this moment, is nothing but a pipe dream?