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Re: johnnytrader33 post# 9969

Thursday, 12/26/2013 9:58:01 AM

Thursday, December 26, 2013 9:58:01 AM

Post# of 42190
No its not a slow day in the market. The market is rockin!

You know what is having a slow miserable run...KGET. Because there is nothing to drive this stock.

I have a question for all you KGET band wagoners. If the company cancelled 1 Billion shares, but its sole source of income and funding to keep the rent paid, electricity on, and CEO and employees paid is issuing stock, what do you think they will do for money?

Wait! I know the answer. They will sell this amazing technology!!!
Umm problem it is unmarketable in its current form because they dont have the money to create the machinery/tools to make this great technology happen!

Oh what a conundrum!!