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Alias Born 08/10/2013

Re: rcaptain post# 33248

Thursday, 12/05/2013 1:25:50 PM

Thursday, December 05, 2013 1:25:50 PM

Post# of 120671
It appears to me that they are increasing their options in the long term. In the mean time I believe it will ad value to the company in the near term which in turn, places them on the front lines of tying their expertize in a virtual (how too) of ultimate cultivation enhancement and achieving maximum quality & yields. Which brings it back to more sales of equipment and consulting support all the way down to legal, execution and tracking of regulatory sales. (KIOSK)?

These guys are no joke!!! Hey! the connections that Sterling have at the DOJ puts us in a more realistic forum with our proverbial thumb on the pulse of future legislation. I feel these big investors know this and they know something huge and ground breaking is about to bestow us. That's why they are alining themselves on the path of the next big boom! All of the missing pieces are beginning to fall into place and we only need wait patiently. Geneticists? Yea, something big is up. FOR SURE!!!

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