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Alias Born 12/15/2005

Re: None

Saturday, 01/28/2006 10:28:42 PM

Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:28:42 PM

Post# of 36716

Messages received and you’re welcome and thanks. And as for what you presented?

‘Recently the company has: funded the Royal Arkansas Hotel and Suites; retained Windsor Capital, located in New York City, to find a merger candidate in the Northeast U.S.; funded a $200,000 Mortgage in Stowe, Vt.; The company is in discussions to acquire a mortgage company in the Stowe-Burlington, Vt. area.’

‘funded a $200,000 Mortgage in Stowe, Vt.’

‘Bobbie Roehm tells me that Richard Astrom is NOT part of Prime Rate Investors. She said Astrom came to Stowe in the beginning and help set up the Skiershop deal and get it going and after that he went back to Florida and that she and Dan had already paid Astrom off as in returned the money for a Astrom Loan to help buy skiershop. And that was all. The $200,000.00 dollars in one of Astroms Press Releases.’

A mortgage? And the date? Sept. 7, 2004? And paid in full? And Stowe TV-10? Paid in full? The answers as stated RJ are always in the details. It’s rarely if ever rocket science. Certain folks here and elsewhere like to think they have the answers but in reality they haven’t a clue.

As was said before we have a new beginning. A little something that certain folks both here and elsewhere just can’t seem to wrap their small minds around. A new beginning stemming from a learning and more experience having very much paid off. An out with the old and in with the new situation. A whole new plan and approach. And with that said there are as earlier stated very much debts to be paid and liabilities to be covered and obligations to meet and so on. And to those ends and a lot more we have the current funding deals. Deals which are as of this writing in the final stages of completion. With one of said deals involving a mortgage (wink wink) and the other being equity connected. And as for the amounts of money involved? Well revealing the details re same here would amount to nothing short of remissness to the nth degree and then some. Would be extremely and entirely stupid. Extremely and entirely self-defeating. And for entirely obvious reasons. And with that said and as was recently mentioned Dan did some traveling lately. Leaving in fact on the 19th and returning on the 25th. And on the 26th we were graced with our fifth uplifting PR of the new year. And far from unexpectedly the subtleties re same were as usual entirely lost on most. And as for Nate Pickens? Who he is? What role did he/will he play? Well very obviously like Charlie Webb he’s the right person for the job. Someone like Charlie very driven and motivated and with all the right experience and connections (as evidenced) and so on. And with that said you think Charlie Webb’s services came cheap? And with that said you think just maybe relative to Charlie and Nate there are some stock issuances involved? New management getting their piece of the pie just maybe? Just like the rest? And from where do you suppose would such issuances be sourced? At this point? Management restructuring? Two funding deals? It’s like I said RJ there are certain folks both here and elsewhere like to think they have the answers but in reality they haven’t a clue. Are simply blowing in the wind.

So Dan did some traveling and that traveling as I pointed out was about finalizing our funding deals and about doing Stockli and Skiershop a world of good otherwise. And more. And upon Dan’s return we immediately are graced with our Steamboat TV-18 launch PR. Scheduled launch. And isn’t same the second of such? And in light of same and in the absence of going into great and obvious detail what would you imagine was the overall upshot with respect to our funding deals being successfully concluded? And soon? The overall success of Dan’s recent travels? Well Einstein required?

As I’ve said numerous times I’m not at liberty to share all that comes my way via that so-called grapevine. And with respect to the full content? Well you’d be amazed and amused as I mentioned some time back. For indeed we have many and numerous perusing this board and RB. And some of the comments that come my way would floor you and have you in fact rolling on the floor. In peals of laughter. People who actually know what’s going on/has gone on vs. those here and at RB who haven’t as stated a clue. And never have and probably never will. Even when some of the answers are very much staring them directly in the face.

Forget about the little things RJ and focus on the big picture. The rebirth underway and the becoming fully capitalized. As same is all that matters. And with that said and with respect to your outstanding stock questions the details once again I’m not at liberty to spell out. Only that if we do see what I spoke of there will be very much a silver lining. Just take my word for it if you don’t see courtesy of my earlier posts the subtle answers I provided. The hints and the clues and the rest of it.

When our first PR of the new year showed up how did the more clear thinking folks among us react? And then PR #2. And #3. And when #4 hit? Our Stowe TV-10 final payment. Well wasn’t there a wee bit of excitement? And when #5 hit? Steamboat TV-18 launch date. And haven’t we seen some accumulation so far in the new year? As evidenced yet again by money flow and T&S data? Buying at .00009 and then more so at .0001 as I earlier alluded to? And given these first five PR’s of ours. The general nature of same. Would you say a certain and long-awaited Skiershop announcement was likely very soon? And an announcement(s) re a funding deal or two? And when same do see the light of day? Do go primetime? What would you say is going to happen on the accumulation front? Given that is no reverse and a brand new start and being fully capitalized for the first time and so on including getting phase one in its entirety behind us and getting on with phase two and M& activity, etc? And I’ll close by saying again that market level as it currently stands by no means lends itself even slightly well to all of same. To all that yet to come. And so think additionally in terms of internal impetus. Necessary impetus.

We all know about the debts and the liabilities and the obligations and such as stated. And they’ll all of same be very soon a thing of the past. Dan is very much hard at work. Is extremely busy. As are Nicholas and Charlie and Nate and Bobbie. There’s much to get ready for after all. For indeed it is very much the big picture that counts. A big picture that courtesy of our new year PR’s to date is coming nicely into view. And which our next round of PR’s to very soon be released will bring very clearly into view. Much more clearly than ever before.

Recall CO’s words…

“Bobbie Roehm told me today that Dan started this company with too little money backing him and this has been the problem all along as far as she is Concerned.”

And what do these words tell you RJ? Are we talking about a private company or a public company? And isn’t it generally about equity? So why worry? It’s like I said RJ. The answers are always in the details.

Good things do very much lie ahead.

That and then some.

And hopefully you and the rest are having a pleasant weekend.

Interesting and more week ahead.




By: walktowalk (posted Sept. 25)

“A few employees no long work for PRRM … Adam DesLauriers gone to help his brothers … Ian Lamphere quitted to run his personal dream … Chad Dahlstrom went back school to master music … Justin Reyher out nowhere … Grafton Smith cashed out to enjoy his traveling … Jamie Morris still in … Bob Bombardier in.”

Try to keep up hmm?

And wait additionally for some changes and updates of the formal variety.


Just like certain others you no less are also way behind the curve. And that proverbial eight ball. And your futile attempts to paint yourself as presenting fresh information/detail very sad. Reread my musings Max and you’ll find it’s all there. And in those unfortunate but necessary instances when lack of directness prevails you and the rest as stated need only pick up on the always included more subtle presentments. The hints and the clues and the rest of it. And of course. And as you and the rest have been told a number of times. There’s much otherwise I’m unable to share either directly or indirectly. Way behind the curve you very much are Max. You and no shortage of others. But not so yours truly. I’m way out in front. Not just ahead of the curve but way ahead of it. And aren’t you glad I am? Hmm?

You happen to recall do you Max certain unnamed parties here proclaiming ongoing operations to be unchanged? Proclaiming everything to be hunky-dory and the rest of it despite the extended silent period? And is such so? And who was it painted the reality? Pointed out the specifics and the truths? There are certain parties here Max who very self-servingly and in the absence of consideration for others and despite certain very plain truths and realities indeed will say anything in a desire and attempt to meet their own ends. And there are others we all know and (ahem) love who in the absence of justification ever so routinely and effectively step all over their own investing/trading interest. And then there are those such as myself very much balanced and logical and very much intent upon doing what’s right. What’s called for. Intent upon discussing all. And rationally so. Intent upon getting past the trees to the forest. And very much in the absence of mind-bendingly unjustifiably sinking their own boat. You happen to know do you Max how our Feb. 8 Steamboat TV-18 launch date announcement came to be? How certain communication barriers came to be broken down? Progress made? Like I said Max you’re way behind the curve. And that eight ball. You recall the following for example do you? From my earlier post…

“grow from doubtless humble beginnings”

And have any idea do you Max why I wrote/presented such? Because unlike yourself Max I’m as stated not behind the curve. I’m as stated way ahead of it. You want the answers do you Max? You and the rest? Then read my posts and do so very carefully as the answers are very much there. One just need be quick-minded enough and have a powerful enough memory re gaining the most. And that includes memory enough to recall that I’m not at liberty to share directly all that comes my way via that again so-called grapevine. And to additionally remember that as I said previously I understand other’s need and want of information/detail and ergo I act and proceed as I do i.e., accordingly. Even though much of same gets shoved back in my face. I consider the needs and desires of others Max and I always do and will. And thus we have the reason why I share what I can via e-mail and present otherwise and additionally in my posts certain hints and clues and a lot more. And despite as stated the lack of appreciation from some. Lack of appreciation that despite same I fully intend to continue to fill in as many blanks as I can in the best way(s) I can. For indeed there are those who do appreciate same and who do gain from same. The brighter and more civil and more attentive to detail ones among us.

The coffers ran dry Max. We developed a serious cash burn. And the Red Barn Shops mini-fiasco? Well it happened for a reason. A hoped for means to an end reason but it didn’t work out. Turned out to be just a tad ill-timed. A tad premature. And then of course we have Stockli and Skiershop. That which is currently being along with much else focused on. Bolstered and strengthened and built upon. And with that said you think Charlie Webb’s services came as stated cheap? And you recall do you the long ago presented initial launch date for Steamboat TV-18? And that lease? Recall do you Max? And do you have the answers Max? Any other(s) here? Or elsewhere? Like I said Max. Way behind the curve. And the eight ball. So blow it out your ear. You and your ilk. None of you have a clue. The bunch of you very much a joke.

I tell it like it is Max. Shoot straight from the hip to the extent possible. No game playing nor infantilism and such as that’s your territory. Yours and certain others. And just in case you’d forgotten? Had it conveniently slipped your mind? You still owe me that thank you and that apology. Oh and if you ever do manage to present some info/detail that is fresh? That is actually entirely new and previously unknown? Well no worries as I’ll be sure to let you know.

You and the rest.

And ciao huh?

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