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Friday, 01/27/2006 9:24:36 PM

Friday, January 27, 2006 9:24:36 PM

Post# of 10217
Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:17 am Post subject: Exposed: Banker Agenda For Total Control
(link: )

What if JFK Weren't Assassinated?
Where Would We be Today?

© 2002 by Tom Schauf

Let us first follow the money trail, and show how it connects directly to JFK, and what JFK did to try to help the American people regarding the national debt and banking.

To best explain the money trail, it is easiest to give President Abraham Lincoln's story. Lincoln was president during the American Civil War. The war between the North and the South over the slavery issue. The Yanks against the Confederates.

President Lincoln needed to raise money to fund the Northern Army. There are three ways for government to raise money. Government can tax the people, borrow the money or government can print the cash and spend the cash.

Lincoln decided to print United States Notes to pay for the war. This way he could avoid taxes and borrowing. Lincoln printed the cash and used the cash to pay for the war. There was no need for taxes or debt.

The bankers wanted to profit from the war. The bankers wanted Lincoln to print the cash, give the cash to the bankers for the cost of printing the money. Then the bankers return the cash to the government as a bank loan and require the taxpayers to pay a tax to repay the principle plus interest to the bankers.

Honest Abraham Lincoln said NO to the bankers and was assassinated. Upon his assassination the bankers got their way.

Which Brings us to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the IRS

The bankers got their way again in 1913, when the Federal Reserve Bank and IRS taxes became law. They needed the new IRS tax to pay the bankers the principle and interest on the money they were going to create and loan to the government. The IRS tax puts fear into the people to keeps them in line.

The government prints a $100 bill called a Federal Reserve Note. The bank gets the $100 of cash for 3½ cents. Then the bank lends the $100 back to the government. Now the government has a $100 debt and YOU must pay IRS taxes to repay the bank the $100 plus interest.

For 3½ cents the bank can collect $5 to 8 dollars of interest every year. The banks call this good business. This is how we created a $6 trillion national debt, plus your state and county and city debt.

The bank creates the money and lends it to the government and you must pay taxes to repay the principle plus interest.

About half or more of your IRS taxes goes to the bankers. The bankers then give money to the politicians to ensure that they get elected to enforce a tax on you.

The Politician's Reward

If the politicians are loyal to the bankers, they are richly rewarded, if they are not loyal they are kicked out, like Congressman Traficant, or killed. The banker's money controls who is elected and the laws passed and heavily influences the media who needs the bank loans to stay in business.

Read Tom's books for details. Get Tom's books for details and the rest of the secret.

Back to JFK and Eliminating the National Debt

President John F. Kennedy was simply following President Lincoln and President Andrew Jackson. By JFK issuing the Kennedy dollar, United States Note, the bankers could not get the cash for free and lend it back to the government and profit from the old banking system.

JFK planned on printing enough United States Notes, like President Lincoln, and pay off the national debt and thus ending the personal IRS taxes with no new taxes.

JFK's plan to print United States Notes, cash, would have ended the privately owned banking monopoly called the Federal Reserve Bank. Upon President John F. Kennedy's assassination, President Johnson immediately stopped the printing of United States Notes and went bank to the banker's system of Federal Reserve Notes ensuring the continuation of the IRS tax and bankers profit.

It is easy to pay off the national debt and end IRS personal incomes by simply informing every voter about the truth about JFK's dollar. What voter would not join us in implementing JFK's plan if the voters understood the truth. Only the bankers, media, sheriffs, FBI, politicians, judges, and Homeland Security who benefit from the banking system will vote to enslave you.

The Bankers' Next Goal

The banker's next goal is a national ID card so that they can track your location by satellite and know every money transaction you are involved in. They want total and complete control over you so that we cannot change the system. It is up to you to expose the truth so that we can have the support of the voters to vote in our man to correct the problem.

What We Can Do with Your Help

If 5,000 people each get one more person informed and each month we double in numbers each month, in 7 months we will have one million. Soon we will have the majority of the voters joining us.

Taxes and the economy always win the elections. If they go to a cashless society and national ID card, you will lose your freedoms, so help us while we have the freedom to make the change and follow Presidents Lincoln and John F. Kennedy who tried to free us of the banking system that is designed to keep you in debt.

And If JFK Had Lived...

IF President Kennedy had lived, we would be debt free and have no IRS taxes, and no other tax to replace the IRS tax.

If he lived most likely we would not have been involved in the Vietnam war. Banker's need a war to run up a deficit and profit from the money creation lending program.

History shows that when Europe started this banking system, wars immediately started and bankers lent money to both sides of the war. The banker's money controlled Kings of old, like the IMF controls countries today.

JFK's plans would have stopped the bankers from controlling congress and the President of this great nation we love. JFK wanted to return the control back to the people.

The Bankers Control the Politicians (and more)

Today, you vote for banker candidate #1 or banker candidate #2. The bankers do not care who you vote for because both represent the banker's interests. Join us so we can have real freedom and economic growth in this country.

The National I.D. Card
[NOTE: Tom Knew 8 years ago. See the September 2002 issue of Popular Science to see the latest news on the national ID card.]

Tom Schauf has personally talked to the people developing the national ID card. These people fear the ID card claiming that it will end all of your freedoms.

Eight years ago they asked Tom to tell the people of the government's plan to talk people into this ID card. If you fear the IRS today, you will fear the ID card and control they plan over your life.


Tom talked to the fire fighters involved in 9-11. They told Tom that they do not buy into the TV version of 9-11. They told Tom that there is a cover up. Read Tom's Top Secret Banker's Manual for the details of the 9-11 cover-up.

They talked you into the banking system and IRS tax. They lied about JFK. Do not let them lie and talk you into the KGB and Gestapo ID card, "show me your papers or you go to jail."

About the Bankers and THEIR Politicians

Can you trust the politicians who forced you into this banking system and lied about Kennedy's death?

We need to get rid of all the politicians who want to enslave you, and vote in honest Americans who will return your freedoms and liberties to you and follow Kennedy's and Lincoln's honest money system of United States Notes.

What would have happened if JFK had lived?

TV keeps asking who shot JFK? The TV never asked who benefited the most by JFK's assassination.

Any good detective will tell you to follow the money trail to get the answer.

When President Kennedy was shot, my mother kept saying something is wrong, there has to be a cover up. When President Kennedy's assassin was killed, the assassin could no longer talk.

The Wrong Focus

People focused on who killed JFK, rather than who plotted the assassination and who benefited the most.

Tom Schauf received a telephone call from a man who has personal first hand and personal knowledge of the following story.

JFK Private Meeting and its Purpose

President John F. Kennedy had a meeting with a famous cartoonist. It was a strategy meeting on how to end today's banking system and follow the US Constitutional banking system.

JFK knew that the average American would not understand the banking issue and needed the cartoonist to draw illustrations exposing the banking secret. JFK planned on printing United States Notes (cash) instead of Federal Reserve Notes (cash) and flood the nation with US notes so that people would ask, "What is the difference between a United States Note and a Federal Reserve Note?"

JFK planned on paying off the national debt and ending the personal IRS income tax simply by printing US Notes. JFK planned on stopping the bankers from printing money and loaning it out.

Where Would the Wealth Be Now, If…?

If John F. Kennedy was successful, 10 to 20 trillion of money/wealth the bankers have today would be in the hands of Americans today.

IF JFK was successful, there would be no need for any income tax or other tax to replace the IRS tax and there would be no federal deficit today.

One bullet in the head of President Kennedy keep trillions of dollars in the hands of the bankers.

Bobby Kennedy worked with the President and had to know of the plan. Bobby got a bullet also.

Ted Kennedy has a voting record that would make any socialist proud following the banker's agenda and he is alive today.

Why did John, Jr. and his Wife Have to Die?

The National Examiner gave evidence that weeks before John Jr. died in a plane crash, John Jr. and his wife Carolyn began telling his friends, "I want to know who killed my father. I want there to be absolutely no doubt."

John Jr. owned the magazine George. He was in the perfect position to get out the truth. He and his media staff knew how to investigate.

If they had gone to the web site, it told how his father issued US Notes and how the bankers benefited by his father's death. How could he not have known?

JFK's son, John Jr. was about to find out why his father was assassinated and about to spill the beans as he and his wife died in a small plane over the ocean.

Tom Schauf was a certified Flight instructor and instrument instructor. Tom says the crash does not add up. The media could only fool a non-pilot.

First, light single engine aircraft typically do not fly that far out to sea. They stay within gliding distance of the shore.

If John JR. had gotten disoriented as the media suggested all he had to do was push one little button and he would have been safe.

He had to know enough to push that one little button called automatic pilot.

If John Jr. was about the spill the beans, they would have to kill his wife as well. You cannot kill both by a bullet. Everyone would know it was a conspiracy. Both died together over the ocean.

Many a pilot think a bomb was planted on his aircraft. Why was he cremated? Catholics bury their dead. Cremation only covers up an explosion.

The Lecture that JFK Gave - That Was Wiped from the Record

What is the evidence? In Tom's book you will find that days before President John F. Kennedy as assassinated, JFK explained that there was a conspiracy that he was going to expose.

He was assassinated before he could publicly expose it.

Look at US history. Three US Presidents - Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley - were assassinated. Each directly opposed the bankers, like John F. Kennedy.

Assassination attempts were made on President Andrew Jackson, who campaigned against today's banking system and won the election by a landslide.

President Reagan threatened to replace Federal Reserve Bank chairman Paul Volcker. Reagan said: " that the Federal Reserve Bank was answerable to no one - not even the president..." Shortly after Reagan's comment he was shot.

After Reagan recovered he publicly stated Federal Reserve Bank chairman Volcker was doing a "good job." Do you begin to see a pattern and a motive?

Proud Admission from a Top Banker...

Read Tom's book to learn how a top banker admitted that bankers control congress by creating money and using the money to fund the elections of both Republican and Democrats.

Boasting, the top banker told Tom that if any politician does not cooperate with the bank and pass the laws the bankers want passed, that the bankers will make an example out of the politician and smear their name throughout the media and the bankers would heavily fund the politician's opponent who would be loyal to the bankers.

No politician would dare oppose the bankers.

This top banker explained to Tom how the banker's money controls the media by advertising and loan money and direct ownership of the media and how the banks control the judges and law enforcement.

Then the banker said, "If the American people ever copy a brochure exposing this secret and the masses of Americans learn the truth, they would hang the bankers for what we did to them - and they would vote to follow the US Constitution.

Then he laughed and said, the American people are too stupid to figure out what we have done to them.

Here's a Recent Example

A recent example of this is Congressman Traficant. He exposed the bankers as outlined in Tom's book. He called the IRS (the collection agency of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank) a bunch of thieves. He exposed the bankruptcy of the United States.

Now he is going to jail. He said it was selective prosecution and a conspiracy to put him in jail.

On national TV, a juror in Traficant's trial, Lee Glasz said, " No doubt government was out to get Traficant."

Do you see the bankers weakness? The banker can only continue this secret if it remains a secret.

If the voters knew the truth, the voters win.

JFK's plan will become reality. If you think JFK was right in issuing his United States Notes, like President Lincoln, then help us get out the emails and brochure and get people to this web site so they can know the truth.

An Alternative President

Someone is willing to run as President and fulfill JFK's plans, but this cannot happen without your help. We need everyone's help in spreading the truth about United States Notes and Federal Reserve Notes.

If they kill or jail Tom Schauf or shut this web site down, then you will know for sure that there is a pattern to keep this silent.

If this happens we will go to plan "B" to get out the information.

A Cost of Freedom

Freedom costs something. It costs a little of your time to help us spread the truth so when we run for president on this issue, all the voters will understand what the real issue is all about and will know how to vote the JFK way and end the national debt and IRS income tax.

JFK might have lived if he first got on national TV with half of the voters listening and without his staff or anyone else knowing in advance, abruptly changed his prewritten speech and explained about the United States Notes and exposed the bankers.

IF he had done this first and then if someone killed him, everyone would have known who did it.

Please Help Us Restore This Nation's Greatness

We can use the brochures and web site in place of TV if you help us educate all of your friends and coworkers.

If you want financial freedom, then help us save this nation that we all love and cherish. If you do not help save American, the bankers will go on to their next agenda which is far more scary.

Want proof? Go to a coin dealer and ask for a 1963, United States Note. They call this the Kennedy dollar.

- I will not be a slave to or of death cults - n/b/k - NO QUARTER FOR CORRUPTION

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