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Alias Born 07/22/2005

Re: hardtogetnewalias post# 284939

Thursday, 11/21/2013 8:04:02 AM

Thursday, November 21, 2013 8:04:02 AM

Post# of 676420
Ooh and another one I keep buying and flipping every quarter between 0.40 and 0.50's is HTM.
Last week I sold it again the day before earnings and now I am waiting for my next entry. This one gives you plenty of time to get in until the next results in March but if I see my buying price I jump in and wait patiently for my exit smile Easy money maker each quarter.

Besides the following quarter and the next are supposed to be their better quarter because of cold(er) weather

Ps at some point in time I will take a core position longer term. I think there is potential for this company
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