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Re: JaceCaleb post# 7632

Friday, 11/01/2013 4:45:43 PM

Friday, November 01, 2013 4:45:43 PM

Post# of 140298
I got my sample in four (4) days. Used one on a empty stomach

just to see how it would make me feel. WOW it pushed me hard

more reps then I notice I had to drink more water I think because

of no food.

Hit my rollerblades with my dogs. Came home and rested then ate

all the food I could find. Eat a light sack use it, Wait then

work out. They must run out of them off and on.

It need to be stores before it's not so exciting any more.

As Americans we want it NOW not next year. What ever happen to

DIAL-UP Internet. People want it now Peter.

As my friend say " It's NEW I Want It NOW " She uses the

GASPARI BRAND likes it. But always lookin for an edge.

My friends has'nt gotten their samples.