The first step to removing the image of this place being a virutal boiler room is to take away the right of individuals to moderate their own personal forums when it comes to the discussion of actual companies.
If people want to set up their own board to talk about their investments and share information about various stocks etc, then that would be ideal for a moderator role. But when actual company discussion boards are being controlled by mindless freaks with too much financial exposure it becomes very dangerous indeed. Those kinds of forums should be moderated/monitored by admin and the removal of posts, except those that are vulgar or off-topic to the extreme, taken with a great deal of caution. As it stands I'm sure Matt and grubby wouldn't want the extra work load when company shills can do it for them, but that's my sentiment on the matter.
Otherwise you're better off at RB, Yahoo or AOL, anywhere but here to get your information on a stock. This place is fundamentally about putting lots of makeup on an ugly pig of an investment.