Despite the recent posts/articles arguing against STAR on multiple subjects, the picture is clear to those invested. We believe that we have a product that can change lives via many avenues. The posters and articles would like you to believe many points. The studies don't mean anything, they are not FDA trials, etc. Truth is the studies are valid to prove effecacy. STAR can then make claims to treat specific conditions that have been proven, and doctors can prescribe for those conditions. An actual drug could very well follow quickly, as most studies being completed are equivalent to phase 2, and fast track could follow shortly with the right partner. Next, financials are doomsday for STAR. Not so! There are hundreds of companies that financials are the same or worse. Death spiral? Not so. STAR has investors that believe and will keep STAR going as long as it takes. Some poster here would like you to believe investing is all about financials, among a dozen other angles. If that were so, you would only invest when the boat is full. Not a good plan to make money. To make real money, you have to find companies with innovative or life changing products. Research those companies, try the products, and make an informed decision. I believe most people on this board follow that investment thesis. When the time comes, the tactics to drive the PPS down will no longer work, and the PPS will go up accordingly. Good luck to all longs, although I don't think we need it. We have done our homework.