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Tuesday, 01/17/2006 10:32:55 PM

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:32:55 PM

Post# of 326354
DD:President of Mobile Marketing Association:

About BigTalk
Mobile Marketing Strategies and Dilemmas

January 17, 2006 1:00PM ET

Hosted By: BigTalk / Wireless Week
Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association

Laura Marriott joins BigTalk for a live discussion about Mobile Marketing Strategies and Dilemmas on Tuesday, January 17, at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT.

Marriott has more than fourteen years of experience in high-tech business development, product management and marketing. She served as Intrado's Director of International Mobility Marketing--responsible for the development and delivery of messaging solutions--and held leadership positions at Cyneta Networks and Cell-Loc.

Please note: BigTalk discussions are editorially moderated. Guests reserve the right to choose or decline specific questions.

BigTalk Discussions

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Good morning/afternoon! Happy New Year from the MMA! I am the Executive Director for the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) – and am happy to take your questions on the MMA, mobile marketing and the industry in general. 2005 was an incredible year of growth for mobile marketing – both in terms of industry and association growth. 2006 will see the launch of mobile advertising, mobile search as well as a number of new mobile mediums. The MMA will continue to take a leadership position in protecting the consumer experience (privacy), establishing standards and best practices and evangelizing the use of the mobile channel worldwide. I look forward to your questions today and am happy to answer as many of them as I can during this session.


Chuck, Vancouver, BC: Who and how many members does the MMA have? What is the main role of the MMA?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Chuck, The MMA currently has over 225 members worldwide. 125 of those are based in North America. The main role of the MMA is to evangelize the use of the mobile channel and to establish standards and best practices for mobile marketing.


Tina, Seattle: How did the MMA come up with the code of ethics? Who sets the standards?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: The MMA has a number of committees and working groups, made up of MMA member companies (volunteers), who develop the policies, standards and initiatives that are published by the MMA. The MMA encourages a collaborative, action oriented environment for the establishment of these standards. The Code of Conduct was developed in 2003 by our Privacy Committee. All MMA constituent groups, carriers, aggregators, application providers, ad agencies and brands/content providers, are represented in establishing these standards.


Roslyn, San Fran, CA: How can I become involved with the MMA?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Roslyn, Give me a call and I am happy to discuss. The MMA is open to individuals and companies who are active in the mobile marketing industry.


Becky, Dallas, TX: How is the MMA run? Who is the Chairman? Do you have a Board of Directors?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Becky, The MMA is a membership driven association. We have a professional staff, a board of directors and an executive committee. The Global Chairman is currently Jim Manis of m-Qube, although this role will transition to Louis Gump, Weather Channel on January 31. The Board is elected by the MMA membership. The Board of Directors is listed on our homepage at


Daniel, Los Angeles, CA: How can I keep informed of MMA happenings? Do you have a website or newsletter?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: The website,, is a great source of information. We have case studies, articles, newsletters - all the information needed to get educated and involved in mobile marketing.


Jay, San Francisco, CA: The industry talks a lot about new mobile applications. Are consumers aware of this? Are they going to be interested in, for example, mobile TV?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Consumers are certainly becoming more educated on the options available to them through their mobile device. For example, we have seen significant growth in text messaging over the past year (according to CTIA, a 150% increase in traffic), we have also seen the launch of new handsets which provide greater capabilities and access to the consumer. The consumer is motivated by ease of use and ability to access what they want and when they want it. So yes, I see that consumers will be interested in the emerging technologies.


Greg Williams, Glen Ridge, NJ: There is a lot of discussion about mobile messaginging, opt-in methodology and Spam. What is your opinion on the future of mobile messaging.

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Greg, Great question. The MMA has established Consumer Best Practices (CBP) which outline the 'guidelines' around mobile messaging. Per the CBP, the consumer will determine when they want to receive mobile messaging via opt-in, this will continue (to protect the consumer experience as well as the mobile channel). On the topic of spam, because the user will 'control' when they are marketed to, spam will not be a significant issue.


Shah, San Francisco: Is Google a member of MMA yet?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Shah, Not at this time. Our website contains a complete list of member logos -


Dom, Minneapolis, MN: Mobile Advertising is great! But will consumers get "opt-in" option rather than getting SPAMed?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Dom, Yes, consumer will opt-in first.


Mike, NYC, NY: Could you please provide some examples of successful mobile marketing campaigns?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Mike, Case studies are published on our website and include some successful examples from companies such as CBS, Visa, Procter & Gamble, Dove, ... - which are supported by our member companies. The campaigns mentioned include a combination of SMS, Premium SMS and Interactive TV.


James, Edison, NJ: What and when is the next industry trade show?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: James, The next industry show, focused on mobile marketing, is Marketing - The Mobile Channel, sponsored by the MMA and CTIA, in Las Vegas on April 3, 2006.


Sunil, San Francisco: What does the MMA expect to see in terms of growth in 2006? What do you believe will be the challenge for the brands?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Sunil, Mobile is one part of the cross media marketing campaign - and we expect mobile to be taking on an increasing amount of spend in the overall marketing mix in 2006. The MMA is working on launching standards and best practices around the new mediums - mobile search, mobile advertising, video... all will come into play in 2006. Perhaps the largest issue facing brands today is becoming educated on the mobile space -- and how to best make the mobile channel work for them and their specific campaign. Education, for both brands and consumers, will be a key focus this year.


Drew in Denver: How does the MMA define the boundaries for marketing initiatives which it endorses? Are these regionally driven rather than homogenously applied? What's fine in Los Angeles may not 'play in Peoria'.

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: The MMA is a global organization with code of conducts, best practices and standards in each of the geographic regions in which we operate. Each of these sets of 'rules' are adapted based on national concerns, while adhering to global policy.


Joe, Texas: What is the MMA doing to expand its reach into Latin America?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Joe, We are working with a number of companies to expand into Latin America. We are also actively involved in the Latin American region through our MMA Spain chapter.


Sarah - Irvine, CA: Mobile marketing seems to be an obvious plus for everyone from Starbucks to carriers, but consumers may not be on board. How do we change perception of mobile marketing from "spam" to something they may want?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Sarah, Because consumers opt-in to receive the campaign/program, the consumers are requesting when and where they want to receive or participate in the campaign. Although there is a lot of concern about spam, spam is not an issue due to this consumer opt-in requirement, In addition, due to tight controls that the carriers and aggregators have in place on their networks and in their agreements, each are also protecting the consumer from unwanted solicitations.


Grant, Atlanta, Georgia: How are MMA committees contributing to mobile marketing? Is their primary role to establish useable guidelines?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Grant, MMA committees, made up of representatives of MMA members across the ecosystem, are establishing the definitions, guidelines and best practices around the emerging mobile mediums. For example, the mobile search working group is working on the definition for mobile search so that the industry has a common frame of reference, the ad standards group is working on the policies for mobile advertising so that consumer privacy and publisher integrity are ensured. Each committee has a mandate, which may or may not, involve the establishment of guidelines -- but each committee does work to advance the adoption of the use of the mobile channel via education, awareness or guideline/standard development.


Jared, San Diego, CA: What are the pro's of mobile marketing vs. marketing via the internet?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Jared, Due to the personal nature of the mobile device (always on, always available), the mobile now provides anywhere, anytime marketing access to the consumer. When the consumer is accessing a program via their mobile, they are more than likely intersted or likely to make a purchase (not necessarily the case on the Internet).


Jordan, Houston, TX: What is opt-in vs. double opt-in?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Jordan, Good question. Simply, opt-in refers to the first time that a consumer participates in a campaign (i.e. entering the short code). In premium campagins, premium subscribers must positively acknowledge the acceptance of a premium charge prior to the application of premium charges to their account -- in these cases, the user is sent a second text/SMS after the first opt-in, to confirm the acceptance of the charge (double opt in).


Adam Zawel, Boston, MA: Hello Laura, Which application category is the most interesting for wireless advertising? We see it already with SMS -- MMS should be a direct extension of this. What about games, video? What are the members focused on?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Hi Adam! Yes, absolutely - SMS and MMS. Next will be interstitals, video - possibly gaming -- although exact timing for rollout is unknown. Members, through the ad standards committee, are involved in establishing the guidelines around each of these mediums. Video will add a very interesting element.


Carter, Reno, NV: Is the MMA a suitable organization for a cross variety of industry types? Or is your focus designed on only those company's who directly work in mobile marketing?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Carter, Yes, the MMA is definitely an association which crosses a variety of industry types. Our constituents include: handset manufacturers, carriers, aggregators, technology providers, market research firms, application providers, brands, content providers and agencies. All members are currently active or will soon be active in using the mobile channel.


Amit, Boston: How is the mobile marketing industry going to be able to eliminate spam? Also, what is the latest on short codes?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Amit, I think I have addressed the spam issue so on the topic of short codes... The Common Short Code Administration (CSCA) administers our short codes in the United States. They are looking at a number of enhancements to the current program which will be rolled out in 2006.


Darcy, Greensboro, North Carolina: How about expanding the mobile marketing scope to a broader range of interests, age groups, gender, etc.? Does the MMA have plans to promote this?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Darcy, The MMA launched a market research study in November 2005 which does show that the demographic for mobile is predominantly in the 13 - 34 age group -- however, the number is skewing upwards and we are beginning to see larger participation from the older demographics based on the innovative new campaigns. Consumer education will help in driving overall adoption, and the MMA is taking an active role in this edication.


James Edison NJ: What is a good resource for reseller/employment opportunities in this industry?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: James, We have recently launched a Member Job Posting area on our website -- please check it out --


Tom, Boston, MA: It appears the MMA has a broad scope of members and is not limited to one sector of the industry. How does the MMA bring everyone together in such a cooperative way?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Tom, All of our members actively and collaboratively participate in the MMA because they are helping to build a professional and sustainable industry. It is our common goal -- because of this, members work together to achieve results.


Karen, Portland, OR: In terms of mobile marketing, what are consumers most interested in?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Karen, Today, we are seeing a large number of downloads - wallpapers, ring tones, etc. Our research also shows that consumers are interested in mobile couponing and obtaining product information.


Jim Campbell, Livermore, CA: Hi Laura, and thanks for conducting this forum. I am new to the wireless industry. What would you recommend I do to get a better understanding of the industry, what people are doing from a marketing standpoint, and what guidelines exist for marketing/advertising within the mobile space. Thanks!

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Jim, A great place to start is the MMA website - I would also encourage you to contact our member companies, if you are intersted in understanding or getting involved in a mobile marketing campaign.


Guy, Sunnyvale, CA: Do you feel that the mobile application market is moving faster than the consumer can 'consume' and process all of the new technology being thrown at them?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Guy, I believe that the consumer will ultimately determine when and what they are willing to subscribe to. The consumer is in control of their mobile experience.


Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Thank you for the wonderful questions and great dialogue. I am sorry we have not been able to address questions. I look forward to hearing from all of you throughout the year. Additional information on the MMA, our initiatives and charter can be found at


Patricia, New York: What is the focus of the best practices work? What are current findings or recommendations in the area of content or application strategy?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Patricia, The Consumer Best Practices Committee is currently working on updating the guidelines around premium SMS to reflect changes and new applications in the market - chat, viral and affiliate marketing, etc. The MMA will continue to refine and publish the guidelines.


Kathy, New York, NY: Mobile Marketing in the U.S. seems to be booming. Anything in particular to watch out for in 2006? Should Mobile Marketing be a part of my company budget?

Laura Marriott, President, Mobile Marketing Association: Kathy, Yes, if you are a brand, mobile should definitely be part of your budget and your spend. We encourage you to get involved -- and get involved now. There will be lots of new opportunities and innovations this year (as well as existing technologies). Work with your advertising agency to understand your options and opportunities.
