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Re: colocowboy post# 10453

Tuesday, 10/08/2013 9:01:57 AM

Tuesday, October 08, 2013 9:01:57 AM

Post# of 13509
Good morning Colocowboy! Excellent post and I concur with your thoughts. In most instances, a new audit firm such as the one fcpg has chosen to identify to take over for EFP, have completed a peripheral dd of the company already at the least. They would not undertake coming on board, or having exposed their name with fcpg, if the overwhelming feeling was the company is lost at sea. I would suggest in their preliminary examination, they also determined that ancillary business segments they offer fit in line with what fcpg is trying to accomplish. IMO what fcpg is striving for is not novel, however with the lack of leadership and a more sound understanding of a chineese based company being listed on stateside exchange, they were overwhelmed. There can be no question as to the need for as 'fcpg' type organization in the prc as pharma is the second fastest growth segment in their economy. Much like us, they have an aging population and pharma costs are out of control and spiraling out of sight. As the economic engine in the prc grows, health insurance or medical coverage period coupled with pharmaceutical coverage becomes a daily topic for individuals and family members. With the existence of a large number of pharma company's doing business in the prc, or those who are entertaining such a thought, fcpg has one more shot at being successful. Because Wang has not been forthcoming, we do not know the total economic effect the late filings has caused on the pps. Moving forward with a highly recognized audit firm with an identity already in the prc bodes well for us. I think we will see numbers for year end 2012 of approx. 65 million, +- 5 million dependent on how growth was stalled in the last qtr of 2012 without expanded finance facility in place. The 2013 numbers should be flat as well for the same reason and added expenses of audit and legal felt. Should the Internet licenses issued been utililized more effectively, the costs of selling products must have been reduced and offset rising expenses to a degree. Assuming fcpg has not experienced any significant loss in contracts, once the audit issue is cleaned up, obtaining additional financing if not already to be inked, will not be a problem. Because the essence of survival in the market fcpg participates in depends solely on market share and fcpg has to react quickly. They have the warehouse now, or so presumed, so hopefully they have or will execute a plan to hire experienced sales staff with a ready and willing clientele. All of this is also dependent on fcpg being able to offer product on favorable cost basis. Lastly, and probably in the minority here, wang needs to appoint a new president and let him / her run the daily operation and he act as goodwill ambassador as chairman. He has exposed himself to great ridicule for not being astute business person and would be well served to remove himself. That being said, will he do it? I doubt it. All in all, I see plenty of upside for shareholders through growth, acquisition or merger. David
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