EPGL does not own all of the shares and can only speak for themselves and the shares they own! EPGL and Michael Hayes own 2 billion restricted shares each out of the original 2.25 billion they were to originally have. 500 million of those shares went to other creditors or whoever at the time of restructuring according to EPGL. If this is the case then in my calculation those 500 million shares that were gifted could most definitely have the restrictions lifted already. July 27 was one year since restructure and one year is the wait time for restriction lift. The exchange of shares may have happened later than the 27th. If I owned those shares I would be cashing some in also as there is no such thing as a true long. That would mean buying, holding, and never selling any shares. Not very good investing IMO if you never cash anything out.
That being said, I believe what we are seeing is some of those 500 million shares hitting the market currently. I could be wrong. It would be easy to verify if the Transfer Agent would give that info out. EPGL only speaks for EPGL when it comes to ownership of shares. Others are free to do what they want and someone has decided to sell millions and millions of shares. They are coming from somewhere.
Also, it has been my thinking as well that the only thing that will raise our share price currently is to retire some shares. They have certainly talked about doing it enough. Talking and doing are two different things. And with the remaining restrictions coming off soon this is going to get much much worse without some solid clarification regarding the 4 BILLION extra shares. Not just forward looking statements. Some are getting concerned as well in my opinion as evidenced by the increase in volume and the tanking share price. Even the ones claiming to be longs have started to admit to selling several shares.
Today the short sellers are being blamed. Yesterday it was MM manipulation. What will it be tomorrow? The Big Bad Wolf IMHO. My reality tells me overall it is the lack of verifiable MPDD sales, our only real source of revenue, which if you read the PR's were already being ordered in August of 2012 and were selling in US and abroad in March of this year just before the MPDD official release with high demand. With all of these pre-orders being received and demand being what they said it was back then where exactly are all of those pre-orders recorded in the financials? Serious question if anyone has the answer.
GLTA, I will be liquidating this week and buying back in when things become more clear or when my stink bids are reached. To watch all of my gains disappear would also not be very good investing. 100k plus so far gone since January. This is clearly not going to end anytime soon without some kind of game changing news.