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Alias Born 12/15/2000

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Saturday, 10/05/2013 7:01:45 AM

Saturday, October 05, 2013 7:01:45 AM

Post# of 128
There is even a lot more information than the following at this website:

Cassandra Oil is a Swedish company that uses cutting-edge technology to produce oil from materials containing hydrocarbons, such as used car tires, plastic waste, oil sludge, waste oil and, in the future, oil sands, oil shale and electronic waste.

onsdagen den 10:e juli 2013A picture is worth a thousand words

The Cassandra technology utilize catalytic cracking methods to convert oil-based waste back into marketable oil products.

Cassandra Oil initiates establishment of Spain: 2013-09-27 ( Latest )

Cassandra Oil has entered into an agreement with the Spanish waste treatment company Valoriza Servicios SA Medioambientales ("VSM") to initiate a joint pilot project on VSM's site near Cadiz in southwestern Spain. The pilot project, for which the required environmental permits have now been granted by the Spanish authorities, will continue for one year from the start of the process plant. Cassandra Oil provides a process facility model CASO 600. VSM provides all infrastructure and waste plastic and tires. After evaluation, the VSM opportunity to step in as partners in a common joint venture.

VSM part of Sacyr Group, which is active in areas such as public works, property management and waste management. Sacyr is listed on the Stock Exchange in Madrid with a market cap of around 1.6 billion Euros. For further information see Sacyr's website

"We start in a small format with a process plant in Cadiz, but we both have the ambition to expand into VSM other sites in Spain. We have evaluated several alternatives establishment in Spain but quickly realized that Sacyr Group is an ideal partner. What is particularly interesting is that Sacyr has a stake in Repsol, one of the world's largest oil companies, which we believe could ultimately open to broader partnerships with Spain as a base, "says Cassandra Oil's founder Anders Olsson.

Cassandra Oil ; investment license granted in Iraq: 2013-09-25

Cassandra Oil has , as previously announced , for a long time been negotiating with the Iraqi oil ministry that Cassandra Oil to establish themselves in Iraq and litigate oljesludge and waste oil.A major step towards the establishment of Iraq has now been taken by the National Investment Commisson of the Republic of Iraq ( " NIC " ) granted Cassandra Oil, by Cassandra Oil JV company, an investment license (investment license , granted under Investment Law 13 of 2006) for the project.

Investment license gives Cassandra Oil favorable conditions for investment:
1) Tax exemption for ten years
2) The right to transfer fund out from invested capital and profit from the investment.
3) The right to hire foreign workers
4) Exemption from import duties on equipment that is specific to the investment
5) Guarantee from the government that the investment is not nationalization or confiscation

The investment license on the spot assessment Cassandra Oil to contract with Iraq's oil ministry to be signed shortly. When this occurred, Cassandra Oil's financial JV partner in the project to start paying out the project financing for the joint JV company through which the business will be conducted. The first phase refers to 30 million Euro and the establishment of five processing plants, as Cassandra Oil will manufacture and sell to the Joint Venture.

" We now stand on the threshold of Iraq ahead of a project that we can scarcely imagine the size of . JV 's initial investment amounts to EUR 30 million , for five processing plants . JV 's total investment , which NIC approved and for which the license applies favorable terms , estimated long term will amount to $ 1.5 billion . We are talking here about an establishment in the order of 180 processing facilities . A player of that size will also have the opportunity to develop other business opportunities in Iraq, the oil industry is considered one of the most attractive places to invest. This is , therefore, big, very big , not only for us but also for Iraq that we know are just as anxious as we are for the project to get started , "said Cassandra Oil's founder Anders Olsson.

OPERATIONS April-June 2013
Manufacturing and test operation of process plants.

Cassandra Oil during the quarter continued to work with the initial test run of the first processing plant, which is the model CASO 600. Work has continued after the period. During the summer, a significant conversions of the process plant commenced for the installation of a new input device and a new condensing module. These installations designed to increase processing add the capacity of the material . Installation work is expected to be completed in September, when the test run operation will resume. Test run in a production environment on an external site , initially in Sweden , is expected to begin in the fourth quarter. Test drive period has shown that the process plant's core technology works as planned and that the oil produced is of high quality. Cassandra Oil announced during the results of an analysis of the oil carried by the independent research firm VPdiagnose in Västerås. The analysis included oil produced by the tires and oil produced from mixed plastic waste. The test results confirm that the oil produced can be used as marine diesel ( commonly referred to MDO , Marine Diesel Oil) . For details , see Cassandra Oil press release of 5 April 2013. Cassandra Oil announced at the same time the result of a smaller test conducted by VPdiagnose for a type of waste that Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA ( Petróleos de Venezuela , SA) provide stayed. PDVSA 's specifications for the planned collaboration with Cassandra Oil ( see below ) refers to three factors - increasing API (a measure of oil density ) from 8 to at least 12 , to reduce the mineral content of at least 40 percent and to reduce the level asphalten . Analysis results show that Cassandra Oil meets all factors by a wide margin .In addition to the first processing plant has Cassandra Oil commenced production of three processing plants of model CASO 600. Cassandra Oil also produces a parallel reactor of the larger model CASO 1500 (1.500 kW). This model requires a more extensive infrastructure for example, supply and commissioning will therefore be dependent on extraneous factors .

About Cassandra Oil

Cassandra Oil was established in 2011 to industrialise and commercialise a patented and scalable reactor technology for the production of oil, through its own business or in partnership with others.
The oil is produced from materials containing hydrocarbons, for example discarded car tires, plastic waste, oil sludge, waste oil and, in the future, oil sands, oil shale and electronic waste. The supply of raw materials is considered to be almost inexhaustible.
The oil, which is equivalent to marine diesel in terms of quality, can be sold on the open oil market or directly to energy-intensive industries.
A key strategy for Cassandra Oil is to guarantee the supply of materials by establishing long-term contracts with partners in the waste management industry and the oil industry.
Competitive edge technology
Cassandra Oil's operations are based on a patented reactor technology that utilises catalytic cracking methods to break the hydrocarbon chains and thereby create light fractions of oil. This technology offers a number of advantages;

High level of efficiency (up to 90%)
It is possible to produce oil from many types of waste containing hydrocarbons without needing to sort or separate the materials
Low energy consumption (approximately 10 to 15% of the oil that is produced is used to power the reactor)
Cassandra Oil produces oil, gas and metals from materials with high hydrocarbon levels. Cassandra Oil focuses on the production of:
Oil, gas, steel and carbon black from car tires
Oil from plastic waste
Oil from oil lakes
Oil from oil spill decontamination
There are also a number of markets with massive future potential, e.g. extraction of metals from e-waste and extraction of oil from oil shale and oil sands.
Cassandra Oil will be involved in all stages of the value chain - from development and production of individual reactors to the sale of the oil produced.

Barrels of oil per day can be much higher due to improvement made. A joint venture (JV) cost per barrel for Caso 600 is estimated around 73 USD for tires, 74 USD for plastic and 76 USD for oil sludge. Whereas Cassandra Oil owns and operate the processing plant in its own regime, the cost per barrel is very much lower mentioned for JV.
Parallel with the test drive and tuning of the first Caso 600, manufacture of the next series is in progress, which includes three processing plants. The platforms are constructed and are being painted. Spindle housings are completed. Cassandra chosen to cast these in order to facilitate mass production.

Front View

Caso 600 Gen 0 serie nr 0001.
The reactors currently assembled in Västerås are a new type of a versatile Fluid Cat Cracker (FCC).
The invention is providing a unique technical platform for the manufacturing similar to Marine Diesel Oil from materials made from/containing petroleum hydrocarbons.

Cassandra Oil has a granted Swedish patent (SE 0901600-7) and an international PCT application (SE 2010/051452) under consideration.
The patented technology is based on thermal depolymerisation by friction, fluid-bed operation and the catalytic effect. Cassandra Oil's reactor utilises catalytic depolymerisation to crack the chains of hydrocarbons and create light fractions of oil. In addition, three new patent applications filed.

SE 0901600-7
Reaktor innefattande en rotor
(Reactor comprising a rotor)
Patent in force

SE534399 C2
SE0901600 A1
Grant date: 2011-08-09

Register information:

2013-06-05 Change of patentee
2012-04-12 Change of patentee
2011-08-09 Patent granted
2011-07-15 Information about patent notification
2011-05-04 Request for respite for patent filed
2011-05-04 Respite for patent granted
2011-05-02 Notification fee filed
2011-05-02 Request for respite for patent fax/email filed
2011-03-15 Notification under §19 patents act
2011-03-11 Document filed
2011-03-04 Official note
2011-02-09 Documents filed
2011-02-09 Remitted
2011-02-07 Documents fax/email filed
2010-12-06 Final notice
2010-11-24 Reply filed
2010-11-24 Remitted
2010-11-19 Reply fax/email filed
2010-09-22 Request for respite notice filed
2010-09-22 Respite notice granted
2010-09-17 Request for respite notice fax/email filed
2010-05-20 Technical notice t-22
2010-02-12 Power of attorney filed
2010-01-11 Notification of determined filing date
2010-01-08 Remitted
2009-12-30 Application fee paid
2009-12-22 Application filed

Pub. No.: WO/2011/078779 International Application No.: PCT/SE2010/051452
Publication Date: 30.06.2011 International Filing Date: 21.12.2010

IPC: B01J 8/10 (2006.01), B01J 19/18 (2006.01), B02C 13/04 (2006.01)

Applicants: OLSSON, Anders [SE/GB]; (GB) (For US Only).
CASSANDRA OIL AB. [SE/SE]; c/o Kilpatrick Townsend Box 5421 S-114 84 Stockholm (SE) (For All Designated States Except US)
Inventors: OLSSON, Anders; (GB)
Agent: AXELSSON, Nils, Åke; GROTH & CO KB Box 6107 S-102 32 Stockholm (SE)
Priority Data: 0901600-7 22.12.2009 SE

Abstract: front page image

(EN)The present invention relates to a reactor (1 ) for the separation of material included in composite raw material, which reactor comprises at least one reaction chamber (2) and at least one rotor (3), said reaction chamber (2) comprising at least one housing (6, 6a, 6b, 7) that is sealed in relation to the surroundings and has at least one inlet opening (8) and at least one outlet opening (9), and said rotor (3) comprising at least one shaft (5). At least a first part of said rotor (3) is situated in said housing (6, 6a, 6b, 7), and said shaft (5) extends in only one direction from said first part through and out of said housing (6, 6a, 6b, 7).
(FR)La présente invention se rapporte à un réacteur (1) permettant la séparation d'un matériau inclus dans une matière première composite. Ledit réacteur comprend au moins une chambre de réaction (2) et au moins un rotor (3), ladite chambre de réaction (2) comprenant au moins un logement (6, 6a, 6b, 7) qui est fermé hermétiquement par rapport à l'environnement et comprend au moins une ouverture d'admission (8) et au moins une ouverture de sortie (9) et ledit rotor comprenant au moins un arbre (5). Au moins une première partie dudit rotor (3) est située dans ledit logement (6, 6a, 6b, 7) et ledit arbre (5) s'étend dans une seule direction depuis ladite première partie à travers ledit logement (6, 6a, 6b, 7) et en dehors de ce dernier.
Designated States: AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
African Regional Intellectual Property Org. (ARIPO) (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW)
Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM)
European Patent Office (EPO) (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR)
African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
Publication Language: English (EN)
Filing Language: Swedish (SV)
Cassandra Oil

Note: Cassandra Oil patent mentions the Blowdec patent and states its improvement over the Blowdec apparatus:
Prior art

US, A, 6 165 349 (Blowdec patent) discloses a reactor comprising a reaction chamber having a rotation mechanism that consists of a shaft to which vanes are symmetrically attached by means of driving discs. The shaft is carried in bearings in both ends of the reaction chamber. An extensive dismounting work is required to release the vanes for service and possible replacement.

Summary of the Invention

A first object of the present invention is to provide a reactor that, with a minimum of dismounting work, allows access to the rotor including occurring vanes for service and/or replacement.A second object of the present invention is to provide a reactor that, with a minimum of dismounting work, allows access to occurring wear surfaces in the reaction chamber/housing for service and/or replacement. Thus, the invention embraces a reactor for the separation of material included in composite raw material, which reactor comprises at least one reaction chamber and at least one rotor, said reaction chamber comprising at least one housing that is sealed in relation to the surroundings and has at least one inlet opening and at least one outlet opening, and said rotor comprising at least one shaft, wherein at least a first part of said rotor is situated in said housing, and said shaft extends in only one direction from said first part through and out of said housing.


Patent Disputes:
Cassandra Oil has rejected the claim as being unfounded.
CASO's Chairman Erik Nerpin quotes:
"If they had a case that was legal then they would have gone to court. Now they are not there and then they go through the media instead. Patent infringement discussions will be a part of everyday life in our industry "

United States Patent Application:

The processing plants are assembled at Sjölander Mekaniska AB in Västerås, whereby Cassandra Oil has its headquarter.
Operational update: 30 Aug 2013
Industrial cooperation

Cassandra Oil has entered into two industrial cooperation (with Nordvästra Skånes Renhållnings AB in Helsingborg (NSR) and Sevens Stars) and beyond the negotiation of several international ventures in accordance with the principles described below. In the current state plan Cassandra Oil, after a testkörnings period in Sweden, set up its first processing plant in Spain, and that the three process plants that manufacture been initiated to be established in Turkey and, given that an agreement will be in place in Iraq.

Cassandra Oil for negotiations with one of Spain's largest waste management company that aims to Cassandra Oil will establish a process plant on sanitation company's site and process waste plastic and tires.

Turkey and the United Arab Emirates
Cassandra Oil and Sevens Star plans for the establishment of a process plant in Turkey. This will be electrically driven and primarily process plastic waste. Cooperation is managed by the partners' joint company CGS Energy (Cassandra Green Star Energy), who ordered a processing plant paid by current advances provided by Sevens Star. Cassandra Oil has received a total of 13.1 million upfront, of which 6.0 million during the period and 0.9 million by year-end.

Cassandra Oil and the Iraqi Oil Ministry in advanced negotiations to Cassandra Oil to establish themselves in Iraq and litigate oljesludge and waste oil. This represents a major and enter the state environmental problems to be addressed require Cassandra Oil eventually establish a significant number of processing plants in Iraq. For Cassandra Oil's part, the project is a financial potential out of the ordinary, but also with the corresponding risk. To minimize risk, Cassandra Oil has entered into an agreement with a financial partner, which means that the parties form a joint venture (JV company) for the project. Cassandra Oil's partner, who is in the oil business and has been based in Dubai, providing the Joint Venture loan financing for the entire first investment phase concerning establishment of five processing plants. The loan amounts to 30 million Euros and is paid out to the JV Company within one week after the signing of the agreement with the Iraqi Oil Ministry. Cassandra Oil will have a stake in selling and processing plants to the Joint Venture, but will not provide guarantees or other security for the JV company's loans and would therefore bear the financial responsibility for the project. Contract negotiations of this kind is naturally complicated and time consuming, but with this financial partner in assessing Cassandra Oil still good potential for the agreement with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil to be signed shortly.

"Most of it is pointing in the right direction right now and we feel very confident. Efforts with initial test run of the process plant is laborious but keeps going in the right direction., in Spain we are offered an ideal production site with all necessary infrastructure in place in us very favorable terms. Along with Sevens Star, we can establish ourselves in Turkey and the intention is to then continue working in Abu Dhabi and also in other parts of the Middle East.

Cassandra Oil on behalf of PDVSA (Venezuela's state oil company) had an analysis result of a test the type of waste that PDVSA supplied. Analysis results show that Cassandra Oil meets PDVSA's specifications by a wide margin.

PDVSA's specifications for the planned cooperation by Cassandra Oil refers to three factors - increasing API (a measure of oil density) from 8 to at least 12, to reduce mineral content by at least 40 percent and to reduce asphalten content. The analysis results show that Cassandra Oil meets all factors by a wide margin. PDVSA is currently evaluating the test results. If PDVSA's evaluation of the test results will start as expected, the parties' intent to form a joint venture for processing of primarily heavy oil.

Cassandra Oil and PDVSA for negotiations that after the completion of the ongoing test and documentation phase to establish a joint venture company will initially be able to produce 1,000 barrels of oil per day and at what Cassandra Oil in the first phase will supply six reactors of the model CASO
600. Cooperation concerning initial processing of heavy oil. In light of the positive test results achieved under waste PDVSA provided estimates Cassandra Oil to good conditions are for successful cooperation.

Cassandra Oil has commissioned the independent research firm VPdiagnose in Västerås conduct an analysis of oil Cassandra Oil produced at the ongoing test runs of the process plant. The analysis was intended oil produced by the tires and oil produced from mixed plastic waste. The test results confirm that the oil produced can be used as marine diesel (commonly referred to MDO, Marine Diesel Oil).

Cassandra Oil has negotiated with Gangstö Transport AS regarding an establishment in Norway. Cooperation requires Gangstö Transportation can raise capital for a joint JV company has not yet happened.

Through the contract structure and financial solution we plan for the establishment in Iraq, we limit our risk on a good manner while maintaining the financial potential. If the collaboration works as intended, we will be able to expand substantially in Iraq. same is true in Venezuela, where PDVSA said they found no other technology that matches ours.

Besides these plans, we notice that our technology is attracting increasing interest internationally, not least because of China's environmental initiative "Operation Green Fence", which means that China intends to restrict the importation of waste because of the environmental problems it creates. China imports colossal amounts of waste, including plastics, and this must now go elsewhere. This opens great opportunities for us, "said Cassandra Oil's founder Anders Olsson.

The Group's business was acquired on April 1, 2012 and hence in this report comparative figures for the first time.

Sales and earnings
Consolidated sales amounted to - (- ) m.Net income amounted to SEK -5.7 (-4.0 ) millionor -0.22 ( -0.15) per share.The advance will be recognized as revenue upon delivery of the process plant .

Cash and cash equivalents
Cash flow from operating activities was 0.5 ( 2.4 ) million, or 0.02 (0.09 ) per share.The advance is recorded before delivery of the process plant occurred as a current liability, thus improving cash flow from operations.The Group's liquid assets at the end of the quarter to 14.2 (39.8) million. Cassandra Oil believes that the Group's liquidity, including received advance payments are insufficient to cover the necessary commitments. As mentioned above, any establishment in Iraq implemented with external funding and without Cassandra Oil's own liquidity needs to be used .

Equity and equity ratio
Shareholders' equity at quarter end was 39.5 (56.5 ) million or SEK 1.50 ( 2.19 ) per share .The Group's equity ratio at quarter end was 66.5 (87.8 ) percent.

The number of employees at the end of the quarter were 10 ( 4). All employees are employees of the subsidiary Cassandra Oil Technology AB.

Parent Cassandra Oil AB's operating profit for the second quarter was SEK -1.0 ( -2.0) million .The parent company 's equity at end of the quarter to 777.7 ( 780.6 ) million. Cash and cash equivalents amounted to SEK 7.5 (8.4) million.

The share capital of Cassandra Oil AB is 26371780 SEK divided into 26,371,780 shares.Cassandra Oil has no outstanding warrants or convertible securities .

Cassandra Oil's share is listed on NASDAQ OMX First North under the ticker CASO .Remium Nordic AB is Certified Adviser. The number of shareholders in Cassandra Oil wasto 6,800 at June 30, 2013.

Cassandra Oil will engage in production of oil and gas both in-house and in joint ventures with partners.
Cassandra Oil will buy feedstock (hydrocarbon waste) from among other sanitation companies, landowners and businesses collecting waste tires in accordance to rules.
Cassandra Oil will sell the oil produced to
bunker companies (for resale as ship fuel) or
directly to end users. Produced gas will be sold to the end-users, primarily as fuel. Commercial
byproducts pulverized coal and metals, obtained by
production of oil from tires, will be sold to include
tire manufacturers and concentrator.

A new conveyor belt should arrive in the month of July/August (2013). This will transport the plastic waste more efficiently and effectively to the feeder.

Light plastic materials have a tendency to get stuck or cling to the sides of the belt. The new belt will also solve the problem of plastic materials from jumping off the belt at high speed.

A combination of different type of materials containing hydrocarbons can be fed to the feeder to produce oil, for example discarded car tires, plastic waste, oil sludge, waste oil and, in the future, oil sands, oil shale and electronic waste.

To operate the CASO 600 with electricity so that all parts could come to terms, a small power plant is installed. Caso 600s next generation will be supplied with a power plant that fits.

Different models for different waste and powered by electricity or diesel was discussed.

The basic principle of the recovery process is the treatment of a hot swirling bed of attaching particles (sand) that treats organic waste by breaking down complex compounds. The process separates the components of plastic waste, breaks down the polymers in the plastic, and cracking of the heavier hydrocarbon chains.
In the treatment of solid or liquid waste, cracking of hydrocarbons while the liquid is separated. Processor chamber construction similar to a hammer mill. In a closed cylindrical chamber is a rotor with blades that spin and creates an intense stirring of the sand bed and the solid or liquid waste. Heat generated as a result of the friction between the rotor blades and the sand / waste and kinetic energy. The sand forms a hot fluidized bed on the cylinder wall. Sand bed with a high kinetic energy has a mechanical effect on the long hydrocarbon molecules which, together with the effects from the high temperature causes cracking of the molecules. A large part of the chemical reaction and the physical process taking place in the sand bed at a temperature of 300-550 ° C. The main chemical reactions in fluidized sand beds of this type of different cracking reactions - mechanical, thermal and catalytic, in various combinations. Most of the long hydrocarbons break down into short hydrocarbons and evaporates while leaving processing chamber as gas. Anything that is not evaporated is evacuated with carbon powder in a pipe leading to a closed vessel assembled with a nitrogen protection device. It cannot be excluded that long hydrocarbons accompany along with carbon powder. The energy efficiency of the process is very high due to the physical and chemical process takes place simultaneously. The gas is transported to a condenser where the hydrocarbons are condensed, sand particles are removed and the water evaporates. Gas which contain lighter oil from the top of the condenser is cooled and condensed and transported to the storage tank. The heavier oil from the bottom of the capacitor is filtered and used as the cooling medium in the condenser before being transported to the storage tank. The process results in almost 100% separation and recovery of hydrocarbons. Energy utilization rate is 90%. The entire system is cooled by a closed circulating water. To minimize the risk of fire etc., a closed system with back pressure of carbon dioxide in the external container receiving solid and very hot waste material.

Illustration of the output device for pulverized carbon powder.

The different steps in the process.

Discharging the gas / oil passing through a condenser into multiple stages was a difficult process, at this stage, in a very short period of time had to condense the gas and reduce the temperature to stop the catalytic process.This was resolved and that they have three different versions of capacitor steps that they're doing and evaluate against each other.

The reactor generates a tremendous amount of heat (300-550 ° C) in the cylinder. Oil leakage was caused when the process could not cool down quickly enough. Gasket issue has been a major problem but now resolved.

Preventive maintenance services scheduled once a month.
Air pollution - during the process, a gas fraction (lighter hydrocarbons such as ethane, propane, butane, etc.) that will be flared off to reduce any greenhouse generating gases and other pollutants that can end up in the gas. Although the entire system is closed and no leakage is expected to be referred to gas emissions from the facility are monitored.

Anything that is not evaporated (solid waste) is evacuated in a pipe leading to one of this tank.

For diesel drive, the noise level near the plant is approximately 80dB. Outside the facility is considered no noise problems. In principle, the process must be odorless. Oil handling can cause odor in the vicinity.

The process is controlled by a PLC system with the EN 61508 standard with control of all system components 2x second.

Illustration of the control system

The Casos operator can easily regulate speed, temperature, etc from a control panel. Software programs are installed to suit the different type of waste material use in the process to produce oil. The process is continous (24/7), manning 2 man/shift.

Oil produce during the ongoing test runs of the process plant is send to potential clients as sample inexchange for feed back.

VPdiagnose in Västerås conduct an analysis of oil Cassandra Oil produced at the ongoing test runs of the process plant. The analysis was intended oil produced by the tires and oil produced from mixed plastic waste. The test results confirm that the oil produced can be used as marine diesel (commonly referred to MDO, Marine Diesel Oil).
Note: One ton oil equals 7,6 barrels of oil. Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) has a current market price of 927 USD (August 1..2013) per mt ( or 121,9 USD per barrel).

Note label: This oil was produced from unsortable mixed plastics and waste tires.The materials were processed through CASO 600 001 in Västerås on May 23, 2013.

Presentation (Capital Market Day): 2013-08-28
Venue/City or Type: Operaterrassen - Stockholm
Presented by: Mr Anders Olsson
Founder, Inventor and Senior Advisor.
Shareholding: 7 910 000 shares ( 30% )
Anders Olsson, who resides in the UK, will be working for Cassandra Oil on a consultancy basis, primarily in the areas of R&D and contacts with potential clients.

Cassandra Oil extraction cost is about 40 USD / barrel. We have completed the development of its technology but there is still room for improvement according to Mr Anders Olsson.
Cassandra Oil has begun a small-scale series production of its smaller fuel processing reactor named "600". A bit depending on the type of commodity has Cassandra today around $ 40 per barrel extracted in the extraction cost for his system, but it varies by country and then how agreements on the raw material. Caso 600 produces 100,000 to 200,000 barrels / year now after improved technology. The oil is even more environmentally friendly.

We have test driven the processing plant Caso 600 during the spring, summer and is now satisfied, the reactor has always worked.We will take out a machine withing a month or so to operate at full capacity.We had miscalculated the condensing unit. Fact that we simply needed more space for cooling the gas we got out.

To meet the huge demand, planning module constructs that can be delivered directly to the place and the reactors are built locally. Enables faster and more reactor construction. Many local will be hired.

It says Cassandra Oil's founder and largest shareholder Anders Olsson at Stockholm Corporate Finance Råvarudag in Stockholm on Wednesday.

Cassandra does not want to sell any units of their systems to the customer without choosing to self-produce oil or to do so through joint ventures where you never have less than 50 percent ownership, clarifies Olsson. Joint ventures conditions will cover Cassandra's manufacturing and some development costs for the systems. Cassandra wants to see itself as "an oil producing company," states Olsson, although one until today focused manufacturing and development of equipment. One of the largest recycle company in Spain is been offered en option for a joint venture with Cassandra Oil AB states Anders Olsson.

Regarding the risk of patent litigation from competing systems in the future Olsson responds to a question from SEB analyst Julian Beer that he is not worried. One reason is that the raw materials are provided in such a large extent and in so many countries. In Iraq alone, estimated 1 billon barrels of oil and Venezuela estimated 9,2 billon barrels for recovery. Iraq, Caso gets 10 years tax exemption. Caso only company approved by Iraq for oil recovery.

The equipment produced today by Sjölanders Mechanical Workshops in Västerås of Sjölanders and Cassandra Oil's staff. Cassandra would not reveal the cost of production.

Note: Sulphur 0,063

Let the journey begin..........................

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