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Alias Born 03/08/2001

Re: mvp_money post# 1

Sunday, 09/22/2013 10:39:02 PM

Sunday, September 22, 2013 10:39:02 PM

Post# of 35
I'll never understand how he could lead Denver the way he did then not get a chance now.

On second thought.........
Well, yes I do understand.
It's called being a Christian.
I know I'll probably receive lot of criticism for that remark but that's never stopped me before. LOLOLOL!!!

Yes, he's had problems this year.

Yet, think of it like a baseball player who goes through slumps then tweaks his swing just a 1/2 inch and he's hitting them out again.

In college he set how many records?

Different game I know speed wise but he deserves another shot.

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