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Alias Born 10/25/2005

Re: None

Tuesday, 01/10/2006 2:08:41 PM

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:08:41 PM

Post# of 286526
Everyone really needs to relax and not worry about the day to day price of this stock. When this stock was the momentum stock of the week I was warning that this is not a momentum stock but a new growth stock and should be played as such.

Remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint and while short term and instant gratification is nice I remind everyone not to lose sight of the big picture here. Nothing has changed.

It seems at this time that a statment from the company is being prepared to set your mind at ease. I will tell you that big things are in store for this company in 2006. You're either on board or you are not and if we have a bad "week" or month...shrug. It is obvious that we still have some short term traders here who have bought in looking for a quick double to .03 (which is a paltry and short sighted price target in my mind) and are complaining or whining because now the stock isn't basically doing much. If you're investing in the company then this is just another day in the life of. If you feel "stuck" because your short term trading plan is working against you I don't have much pity for you because I have such confidence in this company.

I will agree that decorum on the board here has degraded. The true colors of people start to show themselves when a stock price is falling or consolidating.

This can still be the best board here at IHUB.

Keep this in mind...the board does not make us. It is just a place. It is US that makes the board. WE do. WE make a difference. Let's all attempt to get along and be responsible here. Even the posts that comment that the posts are worthless are in and of themselves worthless and it just adds to the dribble. An irony if you will.

Let's just sit back and relax and watch for the new web-site with new technology, the incredible subscriber numbers that will be unveiled, the two newest acquisitions, the new contract deal, and much much more in 2006.

Martymac's signature says it all.

Have a great day everyone.

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