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Re: Crapola2theleft post# 3333

Wednesday, 09/11/2013 10:41:09 PM

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 10:41:09 PM

Post# of 5439
I have been trying to put a slide rule to this 50k barrels of crude.

25% of 50k barrels is not very impressive. Seems to me that 12.750k barrels @ $95 per barrel would only gross only $1.187500m b4 cost of drilling is calculated.

It appears to me that Jim W./ dbrm is providing expertise to get to the shallow drill projects by creating a 25% joint venture.

I believe that the lender is giving dbrm a higher lending cap & reduced, more favorable rates & terms.

I would hazard to guess that Jim W. and the C level people @ Maximillian are working toward a meaningful relationship.

Of course, imho