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Alias Born 07/18/2006

Re: charger post# 49081

Tuesday, 08/20/2013 6:18:18 AM

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 6:18:18 AM

Post# of 58706
In my recollection, Freto, Wolfgangrene, GB, Bagman, and Jimski were all working on it at the Stock Hideout before they got to ihub. Bagman's original alias was Bagman SHO-that stood for Stock Hideout. We used to play pennies on Simplegreen's board using the technique.

GB is a good buddy of mine and I have his original pincher scan. I credit you for raising the awareness of it when you won the big board weekly stock picking contest on Stock Analyzer's board. You took the play to a whole new level.

I'm just a bonehead trying to make sense of it all. I'm aware of the pinch and do watch for it. Like you said earlier, when the ppo is below -10, it's a very highly distressed stock. Experience has taught me that I may catch a few, but I couldn't hold my gains, because it would either die on me, or I would lose it on the next play. I probably only won 1 out of 3 or 4 plays using the pinch.

I came to the conclusion that I was better off scalping for faster gains with less big losses. If that was my plan, playing the high risk stocks for small gains made no sense.

This is a copy of GB's original pincher scan.

[type = stock] and [country = us] and [daily sma(20,daily volume) > 40000] and [daily obv >= daily obv signal(10)] and [PPO Line(12,26,9)<-10.00]and[ADX Line(14)>40.0] and [CMF(20) > yesterday's cmf(20)] and [AccDist > yesterday's AccDist] and [Fast Stoch %K(10,3) > 20.0]

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