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Re: A deleted message

Saturday, 08/17/2013 6:07:30 PM

Saturday, August 17, 2013 6:07:30 PM

Post# of 373258

I'm currently texting from my phone ,, and collecting DD here is a bad place ,, I don't remember everything promised which has come to fruition and which hasn't ,,, but please do a list it was your proposal and if I find something you are missing I'll inform you.

Are you planing on adding to your holding of shares ? I am ,, anything below .05 is a good buy IMO an if you just buy down here you should make some good $ later on.
But yeah who know ? maybe you don't even own a share ? maybe you are short ? I don't know and it's fine with me :) Someone will get stuck anyway,, I just think the longs will win here.