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Alias Born 01/22/2006

Re: None

Wednesday, 07/31/2013 3:06:53 PM

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 3:06:53 PM

Post# of 185
Itz Happening at SBSA $3.5/$3.6, 4m Flote, Big ask smaks last cupple dayz..

BUYOUT for $6-$8 by SNE set for 8-1-13?

The Principal Reporting Person (¨Attiva Capital¨) is currently in discussions with other shareholders of SBS on the idea that the Company should separate (¨spin-off¨) the Mega TV and Mega Films franchises
by selling its majority stake to a bigger media company like SONY Corporation

3 NYC hedge Fundz and the Attiva Hedge Fund fruntloded SBSA in February 2013...

nn Hear Cumz tha

tikka tikka tikkaaaaaaa