I think your close sanswired, (chasing with our lives!). look at the weekly and from the low in October to the high in December.
We are just under the $2.40 mark which was 61.8% retrace. This is not uncommon for this stock. imo, I believe the only reason we droped lower is simply panic driven.
also believe tommorrow begins our climb back up the ladder after the substantial retrace. I did purchased more today at $2.30. wish I had waited till close but thats how it goes.
I also bought at 1.34, 1.92, 2.54, and 3.50
I'll continue to avg. up and down because I believe anything under $5.00 will be bargain prices before March when announcements come from one of any three. (comm. strat, military contracts, or profitable).
I'm very satisfied here because of the fundamentals. Too much in the works, and i think thats what huff knows will take care of the stock price after the 1st of the year.
Remember everyone, we have dropped on no news, not bad news.
this is the same company that climbed from 1.14 to over 4.00.
Imagine what happens with military contracts or commercial strat news. all will want part of the future.
All is my opinion, You should perform your own DD to decide what to invest in!