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Re: NYBob post# 1734

Friday, 07/19/2013 3:39:51 PM

Friday, July 19, 2013 3:39:51 PM

Post# of 9289
Christians targeted by foreign Jihadis in Syrian war -

Syrian Christians have lived in their homeland Syria
for at least the last two millennia.
However, with the Western-backed plan to overthrow
the current Syrian government and the regional and
global support being given to the Syrian opposition,
including foreign hardline Jihadists who adopt
Saudi Arabia's ultra-conservative Takfiri version
of Sunni Islam, this reality is changing.
Many Syrian Christians feel that they are not welcome
in their own country anymore as they are constantly
under the threat of being killed for simply belonging
to another faith group.

Indigenous Christians in Syria, Iraq and Egypt targeted
by Islamists. Or

khazarian 666 Rothschild pawn cabals silent war against Christians -'s%20Corner/problem_with_christians.htm
God Bless

My opinions are my own and and DD I post should be confirmed as unbiased

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