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Alias Born 04/26/2013

Re: Rat Fink post# 127218

Tuesday, 07/09/2013 10:18:51 PM

Tuesday, July 09, 2013 10:18:51 PM

Post# of 239627
Huh??? CBD is an herb?


Wikipedia's definition of Cannabis:
- "Cannabis is an annual, dioecious, flowering HERB which is used for medicinal purposes. Source:

Per Wikipedia, CBD is CLEARLY an "HERB" which is used for MEDICINAL purposes. Is Wikipedia wrong in their definition?

No, CBD COMES FROM an herb, as I said. I apologize for using such a big word (extraction). Hopefully "comes from" is easier to understand. Is apple juice a fruit? I think people would say the apple is the fruit, and the juice is the juice of the fruit. Is a seed a fruit? No. The seed comes from the fruit. Similarly, CBD comes from an herb. It is not an herb. It is a medicine the way it has been defined as:

SUBSTANCES presented for treating or preventing disease in human beings

In this sense, it is a medicine. If not, what is it?

Not all medicine is made by Pfizer. In my book, chicken soup is a medicine...

Here is what Merriam-Webster says:

Definition of MEDICINE

a : a substance or preparation used in treating disease
b : something that affects well-being
a : the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease
b : the branch of medicine concerned with the nonsurgical treatment of disease
: a substance (as a drug or potion) used to treat something other than disease
: an object held in traditional American Indian belief to give control over natural or magical forces; also : magical power or a magical rite

Again, why is this even an issue? I brought it up as a positive, as the poster saying it's just food is just wrong. Concentrated CBD oil is very much different from the hemp oil used for salad dressing, etc.

In case it's not clear by now, CBD is NOT cannabis. It comes from cannabis. CBD is a component of cannabis. CBD is extracted from cannabis.

CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of many cannabinoids in cannabis.

If you don't like my posts, don't read them. If you think only those who agree with you should post, then start your own message board. My conclusions are my opinion only, based on what I believe to be true. I have no crystal ball.