Its easy to knock JW for his missteps. But, he possibly stumbled onto a treatment for an unthinkable amount of diseases and ailments. A significant Alzheimers test is going to do a hell of alot more than move the needle a bit. Just as significant thyroid and CRP study will. Anatabine isn't vitamin b12, it is possibly and based on the significant results on all the studies done so far, the most important medical breakthrough ever. Most people don't even know who JW is. While I make no argument he is a shady and probably not the best guy for the job, once the news is out on Anatabine he'll never be able to overshadow its significance, this is simply bigger than him. Its like beginner's luck in poker. You can suck and not even really know how to play but when you get a Royal Flush a.k.a. Anatabine you can't lose. You could lose every hand up until then. But JW has the unbeatable hand and he just put the medical companies all in. And once it gets the publicity it deserves its going to sell like crazy, no matter if its $50 or $100 a bottle. Simply put Anatabine is amazing. We fail to realize the word hasn't gotten out yet and assume everyone knows about it when 99.9% of the world has no clue yet. They will soon.