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Alias Born 04/26/2009

Re: None

Thursday, 06/13/2013 2:52:56 AM

Thursday, June 13, 2013 2:52:56 AM

Post# of 123553
If you take a little time and read the NBRI web site and look at all the mines they have you will see what the potential is for long term growth. As we have found out with the Ruby Mine, it takes years to go through the process and get things done before you actually get to mining. Some of the other properties have some great potential and all it takes is money. What I see being done is getting the 2 projects going that would require the least amount of money and time to start getting a revenue stream going and once all the debt is paid off and money is coming in the profits can be used to start getting other mines going. Some of those mines have been mined before so there is a history to go off of but in most cases the gold price was not good enough to continue to mine at a profit. Millions have been spent in the past testing those mines and we are the beneficiaries of that now that we have the rights to those mines. Perry has been very smart in how he has handled the money and I can see him doing the same things bringing other mines online whether through JV's or whatever other options there are out there. Of course all of this is dependent on getting the Ruby and Fraser moving and starting to generate some income. When we get those 2 going and get our debt paid off, this company could very easily be a large mining company and would easily be able to uplist to a big board. I think we have come a long way so far and Perry has been very good at getting things done. As Smitter says, we are rounding 3rd and heading for home. Go NBRI.
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