Hi Bernard, the volume issue, If you look at a chart for the past several months, it shows that this past three week rally has seen increased volume. I also believe there may be investors sitting on the fence waiting for a PR(s) before buying. You may find these numbers interesting. Some interesting numbers from the Visitor counter on GETC's web site. <A HREF="http://www.geo-tec.net/" target="_new">http://www.geo-tec.net/</A> March 11 the counter read: 7,253 April 11 the counter read: 7,688 That is 435 hits in one month. April 29 the counter reads: 10,948 Between April 11 and April 29, there was 3,260 hits. There must be some real interest coming from somewhere. Is it investors? Is it well operators/owners? Is it ???????????????? March 4, I installed a good counter on my web page to capture how people were coming to my page, unique vs total count and etc... <A HREF="http://www.getcgreatday.homestead.com/index_getc.html" target="_new">http://www.getcgreatday.homestead.com/index_getc.html</A> Today, April 29 at noon, I have 274 unique visits with a total of 343. The visitors are coming through my link which I leave in messages and etc... Has this created an audience of investors that are sitting on the fence and may jump off the fence with a press release? greatday8