*****STLK EXPECTED EVENTS BEGINNING IN JUNE****** GET IN EARLY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!! 1. $300 million dollar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) expected to be finalized in June with Costa Rican government owned electrical utility company Grupo ICE/CNFL. Here is a copy of the Letter of Interest from this electrical utility company http://www.otcmarkets.com/financialReportViewer?symbol=STLK&id=101447 and to give you an idea of how large they are (we are talking over 1.74 billion is US dollars in revenues here) read their consolidated financials http://www.grupoice.com/wps/wcm/connect/7d9870004de4bcca99b2bb1b32a76f88/EF+Grupo+ICE++Set+2012+-+ingl%C3%A9s++(DEF).pdf?MOD=AJPERES . In case you're wondering STLK's CEO's father Pedro Quiros who is on the board of STLK used to be the CEO and also on the board of directors of this MASSIVE electrical utility company http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/STLK/news?id=58434 . 2. Audited financials for 2011 and 2012 are completed. Currently finishing the audit for 1st quarter 2013. 3. S-1 to be filed with SEC and uplist to OTCQB once 1st quarter audit is complete (any day now audit should be completed) 4. Payment of $195,400 expected from Arbitration case which is expected to have final decision in August 2013. DO YOUR DD AND I ENCOURAGE YOU TO FIND ONE NEGATIVE THING ABOUT THIS COMPANY. Start your DD here: https://www.facebook.com/v3rsant?fref=ts http://www.v3rsant.net/ http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/STLK/filings http://investorshub.advfn.com/STL-Marketing-Group-Inc-STLK-11626/