Sport stated: "If you base it off of the last rejection it looks like it takes about 4 months."
If you look at the history of the patent application and look at the claims, There is NOTHING about a combination of markers of any sort.
There is nothing about lung cancer. This just claims a method of monitoring cancer as well as restating claims from previous patents.
There has been no re-examination of the application. It received a final rejection in August 2012. A response was requested within 3 months. No response was made but an extension was requested.
In Feb 2013, a response to the rejection was submitted and a phone call was made to the examiner. The examiner then agreed to withdraw the final rejection and docket the application for re-examination.
That is the history of the application and re-examinations typically take more than 24 months.
"Docketed New Case - Ready for Examination
Status Date:
Nothing is going to happen anytime soon and there is NOTHING that GCDX or anyone else would be waiting for in this patent.
I have never shorted nor intend to have any financial interest in this stock. I am not connected with anyone who trades, shorts or has financial interests in this stock. I only post facts and my opinions. I do not post on IHUB with different aliases.