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Alias Born 12/29/2012

Re: None

Wednesday, 05/22/2013 1:45:36 PM

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 1:45:36 PM

Post# of 347004
I am so tired of this ~dark forces manipulating the share price down~ crap. I am looking at 14k shares for sale at $1.62 and yet no one is buying. That is the problem, no buyers. Doesn't anyone want to get in on this technology at bargain prices? I guess not.

The first domino fell Monday morning, in the PR'd phase III approval. The only problem is....It missed the other dominos!

Oh, by the way, that PR is now worth a whopping 7% increase. Wook, looks like you'll be able to buy them shares :)

Oh wait, the Dow is down off its highs, that must be it. No, no, maybe those European banks are closed again today. C'mon Man!!!

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