"1st to use the name gets the name, RFMK has standing prima facia that they came up with the name 1st...no cease and desist order can hold water against RFMK."
Well lets see, RFMK gave up trying to challenge THCs Federal registration of the Cannacig Trademark, so really, the only 1 RFMK can still try to claim is the State mark, forintrastate usage, since the common law mark will not stand up against the THCs Federal Registration for interstate use, but wait, RFMK is not a legal entity in California, thus they cant even file anything in a California court, so they have no legal way to quash or challenge a cease and desist order out of a California court--if THC so desired to have some more fun, in fact, its entirely possible, once THC gets their registration finalized, that THC can have U.S. Customs and Border Protection seize any items coming in to the US under the "Cannacig" name.
All of the RFMK people involved with Cannacig really really really blundered badly on the product, still think it would be hilarious if THC hired Cheryl.