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Re: risktaker2010 post# 613

Thursday, 05/09/2013 12:49:10 PM

Thursday, May 09, 2013 12:49:10 PM

Post# of 663
A little more info on the CGYV filing of the SEC form 15:

1manband Member Profile 1manband Member Level

Thursday, May 09, 2013 12:39:19 PM
Re: Ecomike post# 43580
Post # of 43581
Considering the recent history of Chinese R/M deals, they may just be trying to escape direct SEC oversight, or perhaps stop their auditor from asking uncomfortable questions, but the history post-Form 15 of these companies is not good at all.

The deregistration will end their ongoing reporting requirements with the SEC and, assuming the SEC allows the Form 15 to become effective, will end any chance of revocation. But, it will not stop any SEC investigations into their dealings or the original R/M. It also does not guarantee that the Company and their business is real and will not just fade away and disappear. Which a lot of Chinese R/M's have done once they deregistered as they no longer needed to keep up the impression that they are actually doing real business.

Ambition with out knowledge is like ship in dry dock. Going nowhere fast!