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Alias Born 02/16/2004

Re: blasher post# 7641

Friday, 04/19/2013 9:26:58 AM

Friday, April 19, 2013 9:26:58 AM

Post# of 7711
my Short-Term Day-Trading Commentary for today . . .
AAPL - not looking to Short today .. at LOW levels that may cave Down, but expecting a Bounce Up first.
AMZN - not looking to Short today .. at LOW levels that may cave Down, but expecting a Bounce Up first.
JNPR - if we get a little more Down and then an Up-signal, I will be Opening Uppers on JNPR (the stock or Call options)
LNKD - waiting for a Rally to fail and then Open Downers
NFLX - waiting for a Rally to fail and then Open Downers

Blasher . . .
follow me at #board-2546 . . .
and follow my Public Stock Pick Charts


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