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Alias Born 09/23/2009

Re: None

Tuesday, 04/09/2013 6:07:20 PM

Tuesday, April 09, 2013 6:07:20 PM

Post# of 202
TNR MUX Los Azules Copper project is growing larger with every reported drill hole, new metallurgy tests and expanded copper resources will provide the basis for the new PEA of the project later this year. TNR Gold is talking now about the part of the newly found to the West of the previously known deposit by McEwen Mining - "Potential New Copper Trend" going on the Northern Part of the deposit, which is subject to TNR Gold's Back-in Right. Deeper Copper mineralisation is apparently found as well on TNR Gold's Back-In Right properties.

Update: April 9th, 2013.

We are very surprised that there is no valuation presented on Los Azules so far by McEwen Mining with BMO hired for the Sale of this asset. New resource estimation by the end of May could be the trigger. For now all interested parties can review the Lumina Copper presentation with Taca Taca Copper deposit and "Comparable Projects & Valuations". Lumina Copper has announced today results of the new PEA on Taca Taca as well.