Everyone has to invest as is best for them. With that in mind, it may be helpful to understand that as we speak Damon Barber and Greg Dangler are sitting across the table from the Karlsson Group executives restructuring the nature of their financial relationship. They are in talks as we speak. It is very likely, then, that sometime next week or the week after, or sometime in the very near future, when those talks have ceased, that we receive the fruit of those talks via disseminated information. Those saying a "default" letter is just going to appear in the mailbox of Prospect don't know what they're talking about, and those who think the Karlsson Group doesn't have a dog in this fight don't know what they're talking about either. They are in active, face-to-face negotiations as we speak, and Karlsson has every reason to restructure their financial relationship with Prospect in order to allow Prospect to develop the mine. The Karlsson Group, then, is on our side, for if Prospect develops the mine, no one more than Karlsson will benefit financially. Now is a great time to be in PGRX! Get in while you can, if you can, and if you want to.